Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lauren's first trip to Corsicana

Well Lauren survived her first trip to Corsicana and in fact declared she had a great time. Even the bug landing on her in the shower didn't thwart her enthusiasm. She got a taste of all that is Corsicana for us with town rides and country rides and bon fires and the bluebonnets didn't disappoint as well. Here are just a few of the sights during her maiden voyage......well not voyage but it sounded better than trip.

Caitlin and Lauren were the winners of the first annual (or whenever Maggie and Olivia make one) Amazing Race in Corsicana. They were the recipients of this valuable top of an ex-basketball trophy that was taken apart in Monroe and brought to Corsicana to serve as a tacky prize for the winners. And they were EXTREMELY excited and happy to receive it!

Sunbathing in the front's country chic

Pasture golfing....another country pastime. That's if you can chase the dogs down that run for the golf balls after you hit them.

And then the best for last......lazy afternoons in the swing with the one you "kinda" like.

Corsicana doesn't disappoint.
All in all it was a good first effort.
Here's to many more in the future.

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