Thursday, December 22, 2016

2014 was a good year for Ginger housing

I have an important newsflash announcement to make. Becky found multi pictures of the gingerbread houses that had little or no photos of them. It never occurred to me to ask about rogue photographers taking pictures with phones or cameras. But anyway praise the Lord! Becky helped us fill in the gaps! I'm really quite excited. The ONLY problem I have is the found pictures will now be out of order, OR I go back and add them to the finished posts. Either way stresses me out. It will NOT keep me from posting them. I just have to decide how I will do it. 

Clearly I'm under the gun to get all this completed before the dawn of the new Christmas day. I'm sweating just a little bit. But I will prevail!! 

THE BEST addition to the 2014 ginger peachy house making was the small children. They make everything a little messier, but so much more fun and magical.
Quite the lovely shot of me with my tongue hanging out of my mouth.
Another first for that year was an Australian spectator at the construction site. 
At first I thought Whitney was doing a shot, but she's taking a pic. 
The spectators. I was so much more on my game for picture taking, although the house has yet to make an appearance. 
Mollie and the camera know each other well.
That face, William's not Mollie's.
Decorating the ice cream cone tree. 
There is the first sighting of the ginger home.  
Pretzel windows and a chocolate front door. I think this is a new fave for me.
This is for sure homemade ginger bread. 
The garland on the eave of the house and the pretzel fence? Loving it so much.  
The guest house.
These trees are just fab.
A small house and a guest house. These gingers have money. 
I love them all.
Emma and Olivia made house plans for this house. I remember the planning meetings about this home. It was quite the build up to the making of it.
These are spectacular.
The flat top works for Santa making a safe landing. 
Last pic is the backside. 
Well this one was magical and wonderful. I don't know how you can top it. 

Two more years left to do, plus my girls made a Fall house one year and then I'll post the pics Becky found as well. The deadline is looming large in the front view, but I'm gonna try! Wish me luck. I'm now off to see out of town peeps that are in town. 

Tomorrow is the eve of Christmas Eve and Caitlin is coming. YAY! 

There is much to do tomorrow, with cookie baking with little boys the main event in the afternoon. Wish us luck with that too!

It's bedtime again, so I'm gonna do that right now.

God bless us every single one and safe travels for Caitlin. 

1 comment:

Mollie_Walker said...

"These gingers have money" 😂😂😂😂