Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 is over, but we have 2008 and 2012 ginger business to finish

I'll be ending 2016 talking about 2008 and 2012. Gingerbread houses that is. These are the pictures Becky found of the gingerbread houses of 2008 and 2012 and sent to me last week, but the hustle and bustle of the week leading up to Christmas caused me to not post them. I think it best if I try to line up one pic from each year and make it a doozy of a two post day today. We'll see if that happens.

In the meantime, I'm home with the boys watching Alabama probably win again and let me say boys are kinda boring. At least grown boys. At least my grown boys. The girls are in Texas and the boys are vegetating on computers and football. Boring.

In other news, I don't really have any. The holidays are winding down with the old year and next week we'll be off and running into 2017. I hope it's a good one we will remember fondly.   

Lets get on with the gingerbreads and then I can work on my next post!

After seeing these pictures I now remember that in 2008 we had lots of boxes of bought gingerbread kits that the girls had never made. I cleared off a spot and had a fit and made them make these so they wouldn't be in my Christmas boxes. And so it was in 2008 this is what we had. A house, a train and some small bungalows as well. 
The main Ginger house was meager but quite quaint. 
The Gingers had this train made special for the grands. The grands loved it. 
Look! It's a Ginger village! With gumdrop fences. 
It's really lovely and picturesque. Must have been the humble beginnings of the Ginger family. 
In 2012, the Gingers must have added a barn to the complex and hadn't updated any of the family dwellings. I love a red barn with coconut snow. 
 I guess the brown pan for the base could double for dirt around the barn. We didn't think that through. 
And look! It has a hatch back.
Cuteness all around. 
I'm loving this a lot. 
Last one. 
That's it for the Ginger business and now I'm off to try to do one more post with a single pic from each gingerbread offering over the years. Here's hoping I can make that happen before the night ends. 

If you don't see another post, Happy New Year to all and to all a goodnight and safe night and fun night, but not too much fun. Enough fun for all to be careful and safe. 

See ya 2016, you weren't bad at all.  

1 comment:

Mollie_Walker said...

Way to go for getting them all in! Very nicely done!!