Monday, December 19, 2016

The weekend bday party and the 2009 "Gingerbread" offering

The Polar Vortex has arrived in Louisiana and it has turned frigid. Yesterday it was 81 degrees, last night it was 27. That's a 54 degree difference in about 36 hours. If you live in the south and hate the weather, wait 36 hours and it may get worse. It's not fit for man nor beast and I'm very thankful for my warm and cozy house, even though it's missing one daughter. It would be cozier with her here. I like having all my peeps together. 

The weekend was huge with Jack's first birthday being the highlight and I'm happy to report he seemed pleased with turning one, even though he was quite somber about it. 

But he perked up when he got his hands on this basketball.
It was a fun fast weekend celebrating with the baby boy and before we could blink, it was over. So as the week begins, so does the countdown to Christmas. Five til Christmas Eve and 6 to the big day. My tree has been dreamy this year and I'm happy to report, not meaning to rub it in, that it's alive and still taking water. 
My decorations have been some of my favorites of all time. Emma will be taking credit for them, since a lot of it was her vision. 
I love it.
In the spirit of hurrying up to get these gingerbread houses completed, I may have to post more than one a day! That may mean no procrastination at all or very little. I'd stop to think about that, but there's no time. 

In 2009 the bar was raised tremendously with an attempt at making a village of structures as well as a pond for ice fishing, or in case a penguin showed up for a dip. 
This is the village of 2009.
Maybe an ice fishing hut.
Flat top made out of Frosted Mini Wheats.
This lighthouse is a slightly crooked masterpiece. 
Festive picket fence.
A caramel barn or outhouse? I don't know.
Shredded coconut makes some lovely, freshly fallen snow.
Beba admiring the finished product. 
I love this structure. Is it a bunkhouse? A saloon? I don't know. 
A road made of "shredded" shredded wheat I think. 
Another view.
This lighting is fab, so I had to include this pic.
I've decided this is a stable. Or maybe a saloon.
Maybe an abode for a family of Jewish decent. 
A little dog house, possibly with no door.
I'm not sure Carlie participated in the construction project and therefore her enthusiastic thumbs up as well as toothy smile is dubious and suspect. 
Now things are breaking down.
Yes the locals are out of control.
Don't do it Beba!!
Somebody did or said something scandalous. 
One more view from another angle.
Then things started to get weird. Maybe this is a chicken coop for VERY LARGE chickens. 
Small turkeys were mounting a coup to take their saloon back? I think that's wrong information. 
The actual architects of the 2009 gingerbread series. And not a single piece of gingerbread was used in the making.  
Disclaimer: No chicken or turkey salt and peppers were harmed in the making of this village or the making up of their story.

I'm off to look at 2010 so as to keep this train moving. Its very cold outside and I have on too many clothes at the moment. I started with too few. Since then I've added more clothes and turned the heat up. Now I'm hot. It's gonna be a day of clothes editing all day.  

I never MOVED to the arctic, because I didn't want to LIVE in the arctic. 

Go away Arctic!

God bless us everyone. 

1 comment:

Mollie_Walker said...

THIS is the year I was telling girls at work about! It's what prompted me to want to go back and look at all of them again! Love theseeeee!!!!