Sunday, April 19, 2015

Corsicana April 9, 2015

It's a gorgeous Sunday afternoon and I've been inside cleaning my kitchen all of it. Well, lets get real, not all of it, just some of it. The rest of it I've spent trying to finish this post. Well, lets get real again, not the rest of it. Some of the rest of it I've spent surfing amazon for flip flops. And watching a terrible Hallmark movie. Now, the truth is out. But before I go clean something else, this post brings me to number five which is the last day of our Corsicana trip. Tomorrow may be a struggle. 

Lets get to it cause I've got some dusting to do...

But finally! Olivia wrote a sad little passage about the last day and leaving Corsicana. She also left a mystery for someone to solve.

Read on...

April 9, 2015

We leave today. It is supposed to start raining here at some point, and supposed to be raining in Monroe when we get there. It isn't raining here yet, though, so we're going to wait around for it. 

The weather is pretty nice so we're just going to enjoy it. 

I just looked up and can see my reflection perfectly in the doorknob. 

I guess these are all the notes of the day.

So until next time, lovely bluebonnets and Corsicana!

One more thing...I have hidden something somewhere in this room. Whoever finds it first wins.
There is nothing like the first spring green.

I had to take a few more blue b pics. 

And we had to take some of Addy in the bluebonnets. 

She was not thrilled with this photo op, but she hid her dislike quite well I think. 

Now I'm off to dust some things before our afternoon ride.

Enjoy the day! 

I plan to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bluebonnets look especially beautiful this year!!