Friday, April 17, 2015

Today things and Corsicana April 7, 2015

Trying to stay on track for seven posts in a row may prove to be difficult. I spent two hours trying to upload a bunch of pics to this post and it all went to crap! It reminds me why I want to be lazy about blogging. Most of the time it's all about the uploading. It fuels my hate fire. 

Now back to our second day in Corsicana...

April 7, 2015

Well all three of us had to pee at 5:30am. We all single-filed out to the bathroom together and made it back in safely. Going out into the night to use the bathroom is very bizarre. But since it was just the one time we consider it a success.

Lisa mowed all day. It was a difficult mow. Weeds don't give in easily. 
I tried using Olivia's phone lens to take these pictures. And while I don't dislike them, I didn't do it correctly. You'll see later what I mean. 
Weird but cool.
This was not the fish eye lens, but it looked fishy. 
I had the lens on wrong.
According to Melanie, these are grape hyacinth. 
I liking the landscape here. 
We had Collin Street for breakfast. John arrived around 2pm, and we had Brick Street BBQ for lunch. We all went for a ride where we saw nothing. Olivia is struggling with hay's bad.
We saw this weird thing on the way to Brick Street BBQ. 
Not something you see on the highway everyday. 
I love a paintbrush as much as a bluebonnet. 

And I love sun and cloud pictures. 

And I love this place. 
It's a great place to take photos. 

This was me practicing the closeup lens on my finger. 
THIS is what the photos were supposed to look like when the lens is on correctly. 

I think Olivia would have taken these better. 
I committed to these photos by laying down and becoming one with the ground. 
These were weeds in the pasture, but quite lovely. I mowed em after I finished taking the pics. 
Then since Addy was nearby, I took some of her. 
One more. 
Classic route 3.
Then it was back to bluebonnets.

Power lines are killing me Smalls!

I really like this one.

These next ones are Olivia's pictures of Blue B's.
I love her perspective. 
I love these so much. 

Then Addy decided to dig a hole to China. 
And she almost made it. 
She loved the water and cared not about the weird film on the top. The humans found it gross. 
We had a great afternoon/evening on the porch. It's been a very good trip so far in spite of the "out-house" situation. There was sunbathing, naps, Braum's, showers, picture taking...and all of it was fab. 

Emma leaves tomorrow and Carrie may come for the exchange of a comin' a goin'... this is a G-rated book therefore I can't finish that statement. 

This is day three of my challenge and it was a struggle to finish! I'm not sure I will make it, but I'm plugging along right now. 

I'll end with a funny story....
Melanie, Olivia and I were coming home from Target in a not so great part of town, and I THOUGHT I saw a sign in a shopping center than said, 'Cold Dessert' and I said to them excitedly, "Look! Cold Dessert! Is that an ice cream place?" Thinking how awesome is that. Then Olivia, call her dream crusher, said, "That was 'Cold Desert' and it's actually a tattoo parlor."

It was the saddest thing. 

Then Melanie said, "Can you see us busting up in there for ice cream and then discovering it was a tattoo place instead?" 

No, I cannot.

Boom! Day three. Post three.

I may not be as "boomy" tomorrow. 

We shall see.

I'm done like Owen's first year of college.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I were on Corsicana RIGHT NOW. With proper restrooms available though.