Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lucas had a first birthday as well

Post number seven today completes  my self imposed daily posting. The pressure was overwhelming. Well, maybe not really, but kinda. 

Just one short week after James birthday, we went road tripping to Lafayette to celebrate as Lucas turned one. It was our first, first birthday down south. 
Decorations were adorbs. 

So was the cake. 

Mom with the one year old.
Dad with the one year old.
William practicing his break dancing skills. 
He gets by with a little help from his Beba.
The cutest possible face.
I mean...seriously.
A little side eye here, nothing like a stink eye.
Aunt Car Car was stealing all his sugar!
He seemed OK with it.
I love this picture so much.
Poor me.
Just kidding!
There's another cutie pie.
They were everywhere!
James was interested in the presents his cousin was receiving. 
Then it was time for a cousins ride. 
Cute pic with a little red hue. 
Papa gave them a ride. 
Bill and the boy. 
Aunt Carrie with Lucas.
Romeo and Maggie made the trip to the bday party. 
This is epic.
Cutie pie with a hat. 
First birthday family picture. 
Not exactly sure what was about to happen.
It was a dainty tasting of the smash cake.
He was a very clean first birthday cake eater. 
Checking out what was on his finger.

Then it got real.
And he was all, "Enough! I don't want this sticky stuff on me!"
Meanwhile, James was all....

James enjoyed Lucas' car while he was napping. Oh look! Once again the only picture of a present was what we gave him! I really AM shameless. But I don't care. 
Selfie with William.
And with James.
As the sun set on the afternoon, we weren't finished yet. 
Lucas had a fun time with a green ballon. 
And we had fun watching him. 
The night was WILD!
I had a hard time taking any of these out of the post. So, I didn't 

So precious.

Tried to get a good pic of William and Beba. 
I'm gonna keep trying.
Lucas and the godfather. 
Emma began the project of color coordinating the sucker ball. 
It seemed like a wonderful waste of time. 
We had such a fun time that weekend. We love a road trip!

We all met for brunch the next morning and then we all headed home. That same day is when Lucas got sick and then Lauren and then Melanie and his other grandmother. All totaled I think the disease took out 13 people. It was awful. 

We had a wonderful time celebrating both boys' birthdays. I'm very thankful for little boys. They are precious beyond words.

And now my quest for seven posts in a row has ended for now. 

Not sure anyone noticed. 

I'm so over sitting instead of laying in my bed.

So that's where I'm going because even though this posted at 11:14, it's much later than that. A little blogging trick I know. 

Heh. Heh. Heh.

Sleep come find me now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very fun weekend we just didn't know what the week after was gonna be. OY what a week!!