Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 6 in Corsicana by Olivia

June 1, 2013 
The end is here

Today is our last day. The weather is nice with a chance of rain later. Melanie, Maisy and Cammie depart today. It's Owen's birthday (happy birthday!) so we got a german chocolate cake from CSB for the boy. (Not my fave but whatevs I guess it's not my birthday...) Lisa and John got a hair trimmer thing from Wal Mart and are going to trim Rosie. I feel bad for Rosie.

They did a lot better than I thought they would though. Then Lisa gave Rosie a bath in the little pool. Rosie seemed to enjoy it more than I thought she would. Addy saw it as a foreshadowing of things to come. She did not enjoy her bath but she is so fluffy! We made hamburgers for dinner and they were fab. Emma prepared everything (except for the meat. pre-made patties FTW!) and she thought she deserved a medal. We got Braum's yet again and Olivia got a hot caramel sundae with chocolate chip ice cream because Emma suggested it. We made popcorn (not burned!) and went on our late ride. We saw 2 dead rat snakes but no owls. They are so over us. 

Until next time!

Getting ready to do something. 
Olivia's probably still reading.
Told ya.
John and Caitlin...
Got into a big stick fight...
It was very undramatic. But Caitlin's clearly the weaker link.
Partial Carlie face.
And the side view.
Caitlin still swinging.
I don't think she'll be happy with this photo.
The birthday boy cooperated. 
Then didn't.
Then got a little surly. 
People and their books.
Emma was the only one who saw.
Then Olivia became engulfed....
In grill smoke.
Whilst the birthday boy continued with the surly pics.
Steely eyed stare. 
He really wasn't as surly as he looks here.
Readin and drinkin a beverage..
People settin...
More people setting...
Then it was birthday time.
The standard G chocolate cake.
This is the third year....
Owen's had a birthday in Texas.
He's turned 16, 17 and 18 there.
Then it was time for more lazing.
And for Carlie...
To show off her Texas forever shirt.
Then we saw an eagle in the last sunset of the trip.
All the way over on the other side of the sunset.
And it was beautiful. 
Then something weird happened with this picture but I kinda like it.
Carrie looked at her phone. 
Owen looked skeptical.
And Maggie looked quite happy.
And to finish off the trip...
They did fireworks and I took blurry pictures of it.
One more.
Owen did not participate. 
But there was a meeting about the fireworks.
Actually they were lighting sparklers.
And then it was really over. 
Last morning on the porch. 
And I tried to get creative.
Before I put my camera up.
Not bad.
Owen with the big hair looking studious.
Working the Chinese sock/sandal thing.

One more Corsicana post and then we're moving on people.

Summer's moving on and I'm not happy about it!

Sleep needs to find me now...


gnar car said...

fun trip!!! love the firework pics.

Caitlin said...

You were right. I was not happy with that photo...

Anonymous said...

All the while I was driving and driving!! Heading back soon!!!!!

Becky said...

good one