Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 4 in Corsicana by Olivia

May 30, 2013

Rather uneventful

Carlie arrived this evening to much applause. The weather was fab with mostly sun and clouds around to give some shade. Still windy. Olivia and Emma tanned. Owen and John hunted arrowheads (and found two coachwhips-snakes). Lisa mowed, and everyone lazed about. We gave the horses treats and they were very appreciative.

We ate dinner...a hodgepodge of things and then after shuffling the shower time, went to get ice cream. Olivia had a hot fudge sundae after her triumph the night before. We came home and awaited the late night ride.

*I forgot we went on an afternoon ride, nothing happened but it was quite enjoyable.*

We set off on our evening ride around 11:45 and went in search of the owl we had seen the previous night. To our delight, the owl was in the same place! We gazed in wonderment at his majestic beauty and then left him to carry on with owl things. We continued our ride and to our shock and surprise Maggie spotted yet another owl sitting in a tree by the road! In as much awe as with the earlier owl we bothered him for a few minutes and then left him to his hunting.

We thought we heard an owl by our house but we never saw it.

Two more days of vacation!

I think I love a corn pic as much as I love a grass pic.
Addy in the pre-mowed pasture.
The journal.
We find all kinds of fun and interesting things on our rides. 
The dogs stayed determined to get the gopher.
Addy got dirty and didn't care. 
That's a perfect pic of determination. 
Turkey vulture.
I adore a Texas country road.
And there you have day 4 of our vacay as seen by Olivia. I messed up and posted the owl picture on yesterday's post, when in fact it was night four when we saw the owl and took the picture. But I'm the only one who would have known if I hadn't told you. The one Maggie spotted had no intention of leaving the area and just sat on his tree branch and stared back at us. The owl sightings were so fun and exciting because we've been looking for them for years and even have an owl box in our tree at the farm. Finally they cooperated and showed themselves.

There are just a few more posts of our Texas trip and then it'll be time to move on to something else. 

We are very quickly about to begin a make over in our living room/TV watching room/study room this week. Hopefully that won't consume my time. I'm not so much about home renovation but it's gotta be done. I hate to make decisions! I've already stressed about just moving the furniture! I can't talk about it anymore. 

Gots to go check my eyes for cracks.

My 3 AM night is catching up with me.

Sheets and blankets and pillows....that's what I'm looking for.....

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