Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 3 in Corsicana by Olivia

Trips within trips May 29, 2013

This morning Caitlin woke with the wild hair to go to Austin. Mother urged her not to go, but go she did, and she took Emma with her.

They went by Longhorn stadium.
And saw this gorgeous sunset on their way home. It happened to be much better than ours.
With these two gone, Lisa, John and Olivia had a lazy, overcast and cool day on the farm ahead of them. Melanie, Maggie, Owen, Maisy, Cammie and Maya arrived in the late afternoon. Olivia and John had a run in with a skunk on the railroad track but escaped unscathed. The dogs dug a big hole in the yard searching for the gopher. We filled the hole in but then the dogs started randomly digging holes in the yard.

Maya was on a mission.
Find the gopher....or China.
Emma and Caitlin returned and we (Maggie, Olivia and John) went on a walk.

It was time for Braum's and time for destiny. A quick prayer during the trip there and we arrived. We walked confidently towards the door. We strode in with one goal: get chocolate chip cookie dough at any cost. We approached the counter tentatively and carefully scanned the flavors. 

It was like finding gold at the end of a rainbow. 

The skies parted, the heavens opened, and chocolate chip cookie dough came gliding down. 

It was amazing.

It was just as I dreamed it.

It was the 8th wonder of the world.

Maggie and I downloaded an App that makes owl sounds. We intend to test it on the ride. Will report back.

Update: We saw an owl! It was a barred owl and it was beautiful. Good luck topping that, tomorrow.

He was very cooperative. 
And sat and stared at us as we stared at him. He never even flew away.

The posts continue now that I'm home for a while. 

Storms a brewing outside as I type this at 3:00 in the A M! 

Gots to go hide under the covers....


Anonymous said...

Yay for multi posts to come can't wait!!! Was the next night topped hmmmm we shall see!!!

gnar car said...

you were up at 3am??? lord have mercy.

the owl was totally the highlight. sigh.