Thursday, September 20, 2012

Goodbye old backdoor

Well I have more bad news. I think I told people a long time ago that blogger updated their format for posting and I pretty much hated it. So when that happened, I searched online and found a back door to the old way of doing things and I've been using it for over a year. It worked all through the Florida posts and my camera phone posts and then I began my break from posting.

The other day I decided to begin working on the Labor Day stuff, and I discovered something awful. They took out my backdoor. They just took it out. Just imagine a quaint old clapboard house with the loveliest small windowed backdoor with shabby, old, yellowed paint reminding you of yesteryear. I love yesteryear. And then imagine the lovely backdoor protected by a quaint screen door to allow for maximum cool breezes on hot summer days. And each time you opened it, it squeaked perfectly, just like screen doors are supposed to.

Then imagine the homeowner deciding the old screen door was stupid and ridiculous, even though some people were still captured by its charm. And then the stupid homeowner just rips the door out of the jam and sets it on the street for trash! Now it's just trash! Well, that just happened. My lovely little backdoor was ripped from my existence. I'm so sad and highly annoyed.

A bit dramatic? Maybe. But I don't care. And now that I have to learn the new stupid way to do it, posts may be even longer coming. And look who you're missing as I have to figure this out.

Cutie pie will be in flux as I learn the new way.

Pictures are now in the middle instead of off to the side, which I might actually like better but it's still stupid.

And if I get a comment/lecture about old versus new, I will cut you.....from my followers.

Don't do it!

Later lecturers.


Anonymous said...

No lecture but if I can come help you learn how I would cause I do not want you to stop blogging EVER!!!

Caitlin said...

He is SO edible!!!