Thursday, August 18, 2011

Today and what's up next

First day of my job is in the books. It went pretty smoothly. Kids are something else. Funny and sweet and silly. I enjoy watching what they do. Today I saw one of my favs, William for the first time since last May. When he saw me he immediately said, "I'm supposed to go to carpool." Which translated meant, "I'm not going to GAP so let me be!" Sigh.

Owen's settling into his sophomore year of high school quite nicely. He's beat like a drum this week from a summer hang over...that is going from staying up late every night to getting up at 6:30 in the morning. Last night at 4:00am I found him sound asleep in his bed with the overhead light on. He'd gotten up, turned his fan off and his light on and then went back to bed. He's a tricky one when it comes to sleeping. He sleep walks on a semi regular basis. We can always tell because he'll have the wild eyes.

I'm certainly in a blogging slump these days. There's just not much happening and I'm very concerned about boring people to the point of annoyance with my trivial stories. And after looking at Easter pictures again, they continue to overwhelm me. Once again I took too many photos and they aren't very good and therefore picking and choosing is difficult. It's an ugh situation, so here's what I've decided to do. I'm not gonna look at the pics I choose. I'm just gonna upload them and we'll see what we get. At least for now. Unless of course it's a terrible picture of me! It'll be like a roulette wheel of photos.

Let's just see what happens.

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