Sunday, August 21, 2011

This Sunday afternoon

More photo posts are coming but I'm too sleepy to finish it this afternoon.

The birthday season for my family of 6 officially ends today. This year I did a pretty poor job of celebrating the births of my children. When I put the birthday candle numbers on the cake for Caitlin today, I put a 24. As I was about to light the candles she said, "I thought I was 23." That's an example of poor birthday handling this year. In case people that read this blog didn't know, Caitlin was born on her father's birthday. So today, John's 50 years old and took lots of "old man" ribbing from his children. Ha ha ha sooo funny.

Today, I think he thought about going looking for snakes. But since he's getting older and slower, he's not. Through the years, people have sent photos of snakes for me....but mostly John to identify. John has always liked snakes. He had non-poisonous snakes as pets before we were married, but that ended because even though I'm not fearful of them, I refuse to cohabitate with em. He didn't put up a fight about getting rid of them. Well, yesterday Maggie was riding a horse through the woods and saw a snake, so she called and said she was sending a picture but was having trouble getting it sent. When it finally arrived I was unsure of the kind and showed it to John who immediately knew it was a Canebrake rattlesnake. And it was huge! Another kicker was she saw 2....both huge....possibly mating! UGH! Now we know there are 2 huge Canebrakes in the woods. And in the future, there may be more. John really wants to see them in person. I DO NOT want him to see them in person. It's truly amazing how camouflaged they were in the leaves. See if you can find him in the upper part of the picture.

I've found myself stepping lightly INSIDE my house since then. So, be careful in the woods. Or, better yet, stay home. That's the safest place to be.

I feel my eyelids closing.

I can hear the sound of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If anyone believes we DON'T need divine protection at all times is WRONG!!!! oy oy oy get a little shiver just thinking about it!!!