Sunday, April 3, 2011

Update on the pig sign

Randy told me today that men call tires pigs. Well, guess what kind of store the sign was hanging in? Yep, that would be a tire store. So, after asking John about it, he said that the huge tires that guys put on their trucks are the "pigs" and so ends the mystery of the "We don't rent pigs" sign.

I don't know why, but I'm kinda disappointed.

And who the heck would want to rent tires anyway? Just buy the things. Men's words and worlds make me crazy.


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha I'm disappointed too. And how does Randy know this I'm gonna have to find out. I don't think he's ever been "digging" not in the last 32+ years at least

Unknown said...

Well who woulda thought...