Friday, April 15, 2011

A terrible story

Remember the silly story I told about meeting Melanie and Judy for lunch 2 weeks ago and we were wearing the same shirt and the girl in the restaurant pointed it out? That day happened to be April Fool's day and she was saying that I shouldn't go home and change but instead we could make it an April Fool's joke and I told her I hated to bust her bubble but that just wasn't going to happen. She laughed and said it would be great. She was young and cute and bubbly. She ran the shop with her dad and they seemed to be having a great time. She was getting married tomorrow.

She'd had some health problems but was doing well, but then something went terribly wrong and she died yesterday. So instead of a rehearsal supper, they'll be having a visitation, and instead of a glorious wedding day full of happiness and joy, they'll have a funeral for the bride. I don't even know these people and yet my heart is so grieved for them. I can't imagine the bone crushing heart stopping pain they must be feeling. I've said what feels like an inadequate prayer for all of them and hope they'll get to the other side of this horror and somehow eventually live a happy life. Please remember them in your prayers.

God somehow please heal their hearts.


Unknown said...

My heart physically aches for them.

Monica said...
