Thursday, April 21, 2011

Are ya'll ready for this

It's been a busy week so far and Easter break officially begins tomorrow after the end of classes. I have many happy children in my house because of that fact. Baseball ended Monday night in Choudrant. John and I had to come to the game late and after we got there, Owen told us he almost hit his first homer, and although I'd love for him to hit one, I might not have recovered if I'd missed it. Even though Owen's baseball team ended their season on Monday, last night I had to work the concession stand during a varsity game and let me just say, I'm so OVER any form of restaurant style working. I'll not be opening any food services of any kind except maybe to pass out suckers to people. I could tell many stories about the time spent in the concession stand and the things I saw people do and say, but it would be bad manners. I will say it never ceases to amaze me what people will tell you about themselves even when they haven't seen you in years or barely know you. And with that being said, I'll leave that subject alone.

An interesting fact about Owen's team is there's a kid whose last name's Barefoot (I wish Whitney would hook up with the love of her life whose name just happened to be something with the word foot in it) but anyway the people that root for the team during the game always call him foot. It goes exactly like this, "Come on foot." Well as if that wasn't weird enough, we have another kid whose last name is Head. I'm not making this up. SO, last night as I was texting Olivia play by play of the game, these words were actually true, "Foot's up, Head's in the hole." MADE MY NIGHT. Crack myself up.

This is how the texting went down.

Olivia: What time do yal think you'll be home?
Lisa: We are in the top of the second, gonna play 5. 8:30 maybe?
Olivia: Hmm OK.
Lisa: Why? You need to write fast? (This was in reference to a paper she was supposed to have completed writing before I got home so we could go over it together.) (Olivia's a procrastinator about writing papers which she knows makes me crazy!)
Olivia: Ha ha noooooo
Lisa: Umm hmm
A little later
Olivia: What's yal's status?
Lisa: Choudrant just went ahead by one and we are batting for the last time. If we don't score, it's over.
Lisa: Ginger just got a single. (This is referring to one of Owen's friends on the team who's a red head. The boy's not offended by the nickname.)
Lisa: Foot's up
Olivia: That's a bummer though.
Lisa: Heads in the hole
Olivia: Interesting names.
Lisa: Heads not really up. It just sounded good.
Lisa: 2 on but no runners on the corners.
Olivia: Ha ha yeah head's in the hole is funny. Ha ha runners on the corners would help them out.
Lisa: 3 on base. No outs. And I have better phone service here than in town.
Olivia: That's interesting.
Lisa: The other team knows they're in a pickle so they're making a pitching change.
Lisa: Bases loaded.
Olivia: Right move.
Lisa: But I'm rooting for the other team.
Lisa: Batter up.
Olivia: Ha ha yeah.
Lisa: Ball one
Lisa: Foul tip behind the catcher.
Olivia: Whose the batter?
Lisa: Terrible strike called. Boy needed a ladder.
Lisa: Foul ball caught for the first out. Short kid's up to bat.
Olivia: Hmmm
Lisa: (I told her his name but I'm not gonna say here.)
Olivia: Never heard of him.
Lisa: Another short kid up to bat. Hit it behind short, scored one.
Lisa: One out at home. Now 2 out.
Olivia: Ha ha ha. This must be exciting.
Lisa: Wiggins is up to bat. 2 strikes.
Lisa: Wiggins is battling.
Olivia: Ha ha ha
Lisa: I'm rooting for him. ( This is silent rooting. I don't yell, but do give the occasional clap.)
Olivia: Wiggins?
Lisa: Yep. Frick, it's tied, they bat.
Olivia: Ha bummer.
Lisa: total
Lisa: But when the last out was made, Head WAS in the hole.
(Our team was now in the field)
Lisa: first out at first. People are rooting for Foot.
Lisa: Come on Foot.
Olivia: Is he pitching?
Olivia: I'd call him footy.
Lisa Yes he's pitching and I'd call him jammy. Winning run's on 2nd.
Olivia: Hahahaha jammu
Olivia: Ha jammu
Olivia: Jammy! Dang phone!
Lisa: two outs.
Lisa Ball and a strike on the hitter.
Lisa: Crowd's getting surly. Third freaking out at first. We are still playing.
Lisa: Crazy lady's calling for the boys to swing some bats and make some contact.
Olivia: Ha ha it's a marathon. Ha ha geez has she been crazy all night?
Lisa: Not so much. But getting so now! Head's up!!! Ha ha ha.
Olivia: Hahahahahaha
Lisa: 3 and 1 on Head.
Olivia: It's like they play faster when I'm not there.
Lisa: It doesn't feel like it here. Two out.
Insert comment: One of our big hitters came up to bat. (I'll refrain from using his name but he's good and a little cocky and I didnt' want him to be the hero.)
Olivia: Anyone on?
Lisa: Crowd's getting really surly. No one on. 2 strikes on name withheld.
Lisa: **** he just hit a home run.
Olivia: No. Way.
Lisa Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Olivia: That's crazy. I bet crazy lady loved that.
Lisa: Umm hmm she did. I did not. I didn't want him to be the hero.
Olivia: Well now it'll make him more cocky.
Lisa: yep and he's already got 8 corn cobs stuck somewhere.
Olivia: Hahahahahahhahahahahaha That's why he runs so funny.
Lisa: Absofruitly. (There are real identical twins on the team, I refer to them as the G twins) G twin on 3rd, a short kid's on first, Ginger's batting. (This was an obvious runners on the corners situation but I overlooked it!!) Freak.
Lisa: Just scored the G twin. Foots at bat. Oh yes there are runners on the corners. Finally.
Olivia: So what's the score?
Olivia: Ha ha so it's not over?
Lisa: 9-5 and now crazy lady's singing here we go tigers, here we go.
Lisa: Choudrant gets to bat.
Olivia: Oh she's so crazy.
Lisa: We've just about batted around with 2 out.
Olivia: Choudrant's unraveled.
Lisa: End the inning 10-5 this freak show I'm attached too.
Lisa: She just sang, I like it like it.
Olivia: Are you going to get a milkshake? (This is in reference to an email where I said because of the ball game status, I deserved a chocolate shake.)
Lisa: I feel I deserve it.
Olivia: Hahahaha! She's soooo crazy!
Lisa: 2 out. We are gonna win.
Lisa: Good solid hit to center. 10-7
Lisa: 2 strikes. 2 outs.
Olivia: Ha bummer
Lisa: Uh oh our pitcher just hit the batter and they have runners on the corners again. Crazy lady wants the tigers on their toes making the play.
Olivia: Ha ha ha runners on the corners.
Lisa: Game over. We won.

I'm sure anyone reading that felt it was riveting. But it's still my blog so I get to decide. But I'm exhausted from transcribing.

Moving on, there are at least four 3-year old kids at Gap I could bring home to live with me. They are yummy and fun and I miss a 3 year old perspective on life. It's all about snack and when is my parent coming to get me....very simple and direct. So let me tell you what I did yesterday for the 3 year olds. I've been chewing gum on the way to Gap so I could blow bubbles for them and they have LOVED it. Well, yesterday I got a little overzealous with "bubble size" and found my whole face covered in a popped bubble. I even got it in my eye. I'm talking the bubble was HUGE. It amused the kids, but I had to deal with left over gum in my eyelash for the rest of the afternoon. UGH. Today, I DID NOT take the big gum to school for bubble time, but instead I used fresh breath gum. Now, I may be getting too technical, but fresh breath gum just isn't very bubble worthy, so if you're thinking of trying to impress any 3 year olds with your bubble blowing prowess yourself, get some that's capable of covering the face. That's a technical term for bubble gum chewing. I just made it up. But boy does a big bubble impress 3 year olds.
I love to ask 3 year olds questions like what time did you get up today. One kid said, "Thirteen." Awesome answer.

We're still waiting on the scores for Owen's state wide Science test he took last Saturday. Here's hoping he came in first, but he doesn't think he did. He had fun and there's always next year so we'll see. He also made straight A's again for the 3rd 9 weeks. I'm so happy for him and proud that he cares about his school work.

Here's a final wrap up of my current thoughts:
I have no plans to rejoin the working in a restaurant life.
I can never spell restaurant correctly on the first try.
I've rediscovered Charlie's Angels on TV. It's awesomely bad and I love it.
I love really really bad TV.
It occurs to me that I've been spelling the word ya'll wrong and now it's in my blog thousands of times and I'm not going back to fix it.
Olivia's birthday is on Mother's Day this year. She's a pretty great gift to me.
Going to get my hair cut.
Don't know what's for supper and that always spells trouble.
My first rainy day at Gap being the one in charge.
Rosie always goes into the bathroom to lay beside the commode in stormy weather.
She might be a weather dog.
My yard is covered in rain water.
My toes are painted pink.

That about covers all the important things in my life at the moment.

Off to the beauty parlor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

