Friday, April 22, 2011

A few incidentals

Apparently I'm still spelling ya'll wrong. When I tried to spell it ya'll it told me to spell it y'all. That just annoys me. Leave me alone spell check! I will spell certain words the way I want too! But now every time I look at yal I silently say Yale. It's all messed up in my head now.

Also I recently misspelled the word exciting in a sentence and instead spelled exiting. Now every time I see the word exciting I silently say exiting. I'm all jacked up.

Spelling is HUGELY important when writing. It's a lot of pressure.

Also when I told the kids at Gap yesterday we were gonna watch Despicable Me, three year old William, who's edibly adorable said, "Pickles da me!!" It was fantastic and I'll never forget it.

It's another blustery day here in town. My hair's gonna hurt by nightfall.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

hilarious! ella used to call "despicable me" the "sticker bully"!!!! it will never be anything else to me!!!! :)