Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A quick update

My computer's still broken.

The keyboard on the computer I'm using is still shifted to the right and still rocking my world.

Six people fighting for 1 laptop.....OY

Six people fighting over 1 laptop means John and I are low peeps on the totem pole.

I'm about to start a 2 month job in less than 2 weeks.

I had to get fingerprinted for the job which caused me to think, "I guess I can no longer successfully commit any crimes since I'm now "on record."

Clearly my mind works on another level from normal people.

Committing crimes has never really been on my bucket list anyway.

Lots of baseball still going and going and going......

Owen came in second out of 30 something people at his literary rally and will be competing in Baton Rouge in April. YAY for him!

New posts may be few and far between until my computer is fixed.

I hope and pray my computer gets fixed.

Peace out!

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