Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The birthday party

A very good plan was hatched by Whitney this year when she had the great idea that all female cousins in the family would celebrate themed birthdays. All themes are a closely guarded secret only to be revealed to the birthday girl at the time she arrives at the girls' house.

It began with Mollie's in January, her theme was comfy. They came dressed in pj's ready to eat comfort food. The menu consisted of stuff that I know none of and no pictures were taken, which was not my fault. So, let's move on to Maggie's which was a makeup party. Bring your makeup and play making up. Remember the Emma face full of Black Swan makeup? That was done at Maggie's party with vegetarian fare for supper.

Emma's was next with the theme being Jane Austen and a big time fancy supper with silver and china and crystal. As much of the supper that could be tolerated was recreated from the scene in Pride and Prejudice at the Bennett's house when Mr. Collins is eating with the fam and says, "What excellently boiled potatoes." He was such a pretentious little snit. Anyway. I say it was recreated as much as possible because Whitney refused, and who could blame her, to get a pig head for the main meat course. Instead of the head, she cooked a turkey. It was a wise swap indeed. She also made the, "excellently boiled potatoes" and other stuff as well. Many pictures were taken and you can scroll down and have a look for yourself. I just know it makes me want some excellently boiled potatoes this very minute.

They started off with high tea and appetizers consisting of cucumber sandwiches and blueberry scones. I went in advance of the party and did a taste test of EVERYTHING. It was all delightfully delicious. Here, Emma's having her high tea.


Jane Austen books were used for decorations with the book "Emma" presented to the human Emma with all the girls writing a note inside for her to keep forever and ever. Such a good idea.

Emma the human came as "Emma" the character. It was very befitting.

Emma, and Whitney the hostess. Lydia helped in the preparations as well. It was all very lovely.

Maggie the human came as Elizabeth Bennett and she's here posing with Emma the real girl not the character.

Still real girls posing as the......oh forget's Emma and Maggie!!

The supper table all decked out.

Candlesticks given by Grandma to the girls were part of the decorations.


Billie June's china is quite lovely.

I guess Olivia was lighting the way to the celebration?

Emma's first look at the setting.

Very pleased and surprised.

Supper by candlelight....enchanting.....that's Caitlin peeking in.

Obviously Caitlin and Maggie were toasting with their yummy water. Notice in the background...Courtney's photobombing. You lose Carlie! Courtney was in no way in trouble or banned from the actual table. She was out of town and not expected back in time for supper and because there was no more room at the table, she sat nearby in the "annex area." She was treated fairly at all times.

Now it was Emma's turn to toast herself.

This is the whole group...even the annex person. Looks like a lovely little English cottage doesn't it?

Caitlin's clearly thinking about turning surly.

But then apparently she changed her mind.

Olivia? I got nothing for this.

Look! There's an excellently boiled potato about to be crammed into Caitlin's mouth! One time Caitlin successfully achieved stacking 12 Ande's mints in her open mouth. I will refrain from saying what that would make her mouth, but you know. Heh heh heh. This practice of shoveling things into someone's mouth is something I'm sure Elizabeth Bennett and her family or any proper English family did at the supper table. Don't ya think?

And there were pirates and parrots in the Jane Austen novels as well.


Whitney was exhausted and pleased.


More lovely.

After supper there was a dance party....just like in the books....except it was modern day music and much booty shaking. I'm sure when no one was watching Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Woodhouse dropped it down and got with it.....I'm sure of it. There are no pictures of this event but there is video. I will not be adding it to my blog, but I will say Lindsey can shake that thang.

The next birthday belongs to Whitney. She's requested a picnic on the levee. I'm certain it will be grand. There are many more bdays to come before the end of the year.

Happy bday to anyone that's ever had a bday or ever will.


Unknown said...

i LOVE a dance floor!!!!!

COCO said...

I would like to think that I have firmly solidified my "annex position" within the extended Walker fam ;-)