Friday, March 4, 2011

Turkey in the straw?

The other day Owen had a baseball game in Oak Grove. In the next 2 months some amount of my family will have traveled the back roads to several small towns in the quest to finish this baseball season. I'm not sure I'd ever been to Oak Grove....not that it matters....but we went, Melanie, Owen and I to watch some baseball and explore the little town. After the hour drive, we arrived way too early for the game, so we dropped Owen off at the ballpark and decided to have a look around.

With a population of 2,220 people, it was a short look. But every time I'm in a small town, it makes me wish I lived in one. It seems as if it could be so much fun. Well, while Owen was warming up at the ballpark, we were doing our exploring, and we passed a house that had lots of chickens doing a walk about in their front yard. One of the fowl was HUGE and after closer inspection, we saw it was a turkey amongst them! We passed by three times until I finally drove into the driveway so we could get a closer look. Sure enough he was walking around gobbling away. He and his chicken friends were enjoying the afternoon in their small town yard. The entire poultry population seemed unafraid of our presence as we sat and watched them either gobbling or pecking around. Of course we had to have picture proof so Melanie snapped these photos. And even though I think he looks quite lovely and somewhat majestic, the hangy down thing on his nose is gross....just gross.

After the Oak Grove turkey discovery, we went back to the ballpark and had a good visit with a grown up version of a girl we knew as a child....Betsy Boop.....make that grown woman. Geez....age is chasing me down quickly! And as the night wore on, the temperature turned bitter and the game got interesting and when it seemed as if we'd been there for about 40 hours, I heard someone say it was the 4th inning. Ummmm what? Yep that would be 4 innings in 2 hours. Have mercy. Anyway it did finally end and we won....a little too loudly in my opinion....and we made our way home. All in all it was a successful venture.

After 5 games, Owen's team is undefeated. We have many more games to go. Owen loves the baseball and I do too but baseball needs to learn that leaving people wanting more is a GOOD thing.

Tomorrow is a traveling day for me so there'll be no more blog posts for the next several days.

Bon voyage to me!

Later peeps!

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