Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don't Panic

If you aren't crazy about the new font, and if you've been reading this blog for very long you know I change things OFTEN. I get bored looking at the same old same old which causes me to look for something new which usually gets me into trouble. Boy did I have major trouble tonight. I was looking for a way to change one particular thing and bam! My header picture went left, the font colors turned gray and I was in one quick mess. I had to goggle for an answer and thank goodness I found someone out there to tell me how to fix what I messed up. Thank God for smart people that can help dumb people. But now here's the thing, I just discovered many new fonts! It's very exciting because there used to be only 6 fonts to choose from and now I've got lots to pick! YAY for me! Readers may get tired of changes but I love to change my blog as much as I can. It seems I get bored quite easily.

But enough about that. I'd like to shift the focus to people that leave comments on my posts. I can't say thank you enough. It's very exciting every single time I get a notification that someone left a comment, and I appreciate the encouragement and kind words. There's really no way I've found that allows me to respond to individual comments left by people but I do see and appreciate each and every one of them. So thank you thank you thank you to all peoples anonymous or named.

I'm absolutely not soliciting for comments when I say this but I hope I don't ever come across as sanctimonious, or as a know-it-all, or braggadocios or obnoxious in any way. Sometimes I do get concerned about that. But people that know me well know: I've failed, I've messed up, I've made mistakes, I know my kids aren't perfect, I'm not a very good housekeeper, I hate typos and misspelled words, I prefer to stay in the background and I hate pretentiousness in any form. I like to make people laugh....even if it's at something stupid I did or said. I want to make God proud of me every single day and at almost 52 years old, I hope I've done that at least a few times.

Of all of the hundreds of blogs I've done up to now, I like maybe 4 of them. If I reread very many, I begin hacking them to death. I cringe at a few things I've posted, usually the ones that make me look really bad. I'm getting closer and closer to where I don't so much care what people think of long as I know God's pleased with what I've done. That's been one difficult thing to do! I'm still trying to learn how to be a grown up and I hope by the time I'm 90, I've figured that out....but it's doubtful.

I'm not sure what direction this blog is going next, but thank you to all the followers who are reading along with me.

It would be pitiful and sad if I were here all alone.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm? You hate change in your life but love to change things you have control over.....hmmmmmm? :) the smiley face to be sure you know I'm not judging I'm just sayin

Jeff said...

love this post...could put the very. same. thing. over on mine!!!! aren't comments the greatest?!?! even though i don't "publish" my blog for anyone but still feels warm and fuzzy to know that people care!!
for the record...i personally think you are hilarious...and we miss you guys like crazy!!!!! SOON...i promise that!!! :)