Sunday, May 16, 2010

The same face.....23 years apart

The closeups DO NOT LIE. This is the same surly lip action (the current lip may have a but of discoloration to it).......oooooohhhhhhhh. But why try to fix something that ain't broke. The attitude still works.

Still pist......


gnar car said...

yeah, and now she has a lil somethin', somthin' to go along on top of that lip.

oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, BURN.

Unknown said...

Carlie how harsh!!! Hilarious so glad you pushed through to make it happen. Some things never change!!

CAW said...

I said to them yesterday that face was the same as when she was very right...that is priceless. the mud pictures are incredible.

COCO said...