Friday, October 28, 2016

It was supper and some of it was good

I've decided I'm going to push through and continue to post about our DC trip. But before I move on, I want to talk about our supper from Wednesday night. Until Olivia begins her new job, she and I have been confabbing about suppers to cook and blah blah blah. Well we went off the grid (I guess we can't say reservation anymore) and made the plan for lemon thyme chicken, cous cous with pine nuts and parsley, and sautéed green beans. It sounds so flowery for someone like me, but I'm nothing if not willing to stretch my horizons. I think we all know that by now. 

Well, in order to even further broaden the expansion of horizons, I suggested we add to our meal, some new roasted veggies, namely parsnips and cauliflower. Now I know parsnips are not in your everyday language, but Emma told me she ate them at a friend's house and they weren't bad. In order to perpetuate a snooty and pretentious supper, I decided we should try them. Now, I realize that makes it sound like Emma had a snooty and pretentious supper, but that was not my intent at all. But come on, we ALL know I've lived 57 years without a parsnip don't we? Martha Stewart has not. I'm comparing her to the most pretentious person to have ever eaten a parsnip. But I digress. So I went to the store and bought so many vegetables it looked like a commercial for health food, and when I reached the check out line, I had no cookies, candy, or ice cream in my basket. It was so sad. 

Tuesday night rolled around and Olivia was taking the lead on supper, but I was sous cheffing the cauliflower and parsnips to ready them for roasting. Well, it did not get past the two of us that the parsnips smelled somewhat spicy, if that's possible, and they looked like a white version of a carrot. Once they were cut and set aside, I took on the cauliflower and believe you me it didn't go unnoticed that it did NOT pass the smell test. How can something taste good that starts off stinking? It smelled like a fart. And I'm not kidding. Our skepticism was at an all time high and we hadn't even turned on the oven. 

Moving forward with the meal, it came time to roast the veggies and let me tell you it DID NOT enhance the cauliflower in the smell department. At least not in a good way. Our home smelled of bad decisions and farts, and Owen wasn't even home. 

Once "it was supper" the time came for the taste test even though the smell test had failed miserably. Come to think of it, Addy stayed so close to the table that night I now realize she was enjoying the odor coming from our plates. We should have known. At our advanced ages there is no talking yourself into taking a bite of uncertain food, so people dove into the tasting part of supper and the final verdict was as follows.  

Olivia and I will never be eating cauliflower again. Why would we ever knowingly eat a fart? Believe me we wouldn't, or let me say, we won't ever again. Carrie, John and Owen all liked the two new veggies, which means I can never trust their judgements again. Olivia and I do not agree with any of those people. The parsnip verdict was less smelly but still the same. Olivia, Carrie and I consider them to be carrot wannabes and therefore should never be trusted. Thank God for lemon thyme chicken and cous cous with pine nuts. 

And I can't believe I just said that.        

And with that statement ends this episode of "Why did our supper have to stink at the Herrock house?"

Come back for more Washington posts. That is, if anyone is coming at all.

Gu bye

1 comment:

Mollie_Walker said...
