Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Is it Christmas 2013 or 2014?

I have something shocking to announce here and now. I never posted last year's Christmas pictures after the holiday was complete. I don't even feel bad about it. And now BONUS! I can use them this year to post between now and Christmas! It'll be all reminiscey and stuff. In my defense it doesn't have anything to do with me getting bored of it all or wondering why oh why do I take so many pictures? In truth, I'm a slacker. No doubt. BUT. I have what I think is a good reason for the not posting of last year's pics. See, what had happened was....last Christmas I got a new camera and was so happy and excited about getting the new camera that I delved right into taking pictures as quickly as possible. BUT. I didn't set the clock and date before the beginning of the taking and woah baby it was a hot mess. The camera was all like nu uh and I was all like whaaaa? Because.....when I loaded the pictures to my computer, they didn't load in the order of the taking of the pictures. Seriously. The first picture wasn't in the number one slot. The number one slot was filled with picture number 20. Number one was somewhere in the great unknown and number 62 was in the beginning and number two was at the end and so it became my worst nightmare! Then I was all like oh nu uh. Close the folder and walk away. So I did. Then sometime much later I decided to tackle the offending mess and so began the arduous process of trying to upload them to my blog in the correct order and heaven's to betsy it was so much trouble. Finally I managed to get them in the best order possible and then I was so over it. Sick of them. Sick sick sick. And now my total procrastination is paying off big time with Christmas being here and me not having anything good to blog about.  

While I realize it's been quite a while since I've posted anything, I've had absolutely no words to come to my rescue. I just haven't had the "it" factor lately. Even this discussion was a stretch of interestingness. That's a word isn't it? If not, I just made it one. Here's what's been happening. Olivia and I have been watching Hallmark Christmas movies and let me say they are pumping them out fast and furiously, regardless of quality. So far we've watched about 8 or so....and liked one. That one being The Nine Lives of Christmas. Other non Hallmark movies we've watched are...White Christmas, didn't finish it. The epic and fabulous Holiday Inn. That's the best movie ever made and I can sing the songs and quote it along with the people in the movie. Olivia LOVES it when I do sing along and talk with the movie. It's like her favorite thing ever. At this moment, we are watching Desk Set, the best movie ever made. And I can quote that one as well. It's super lots of fun to see Olivia enjoy it with me. Wink wink. 

In other news, only two more school days for me until the new year. The kids are climbing the walls in anticipation of Santa Claus coming to town and I'm climbing the walls in anticipation of me and them parting ways for two and a half weeks. It works out well for all of us really. Thursday my girls and I will be heading west for a few days. It's got all the elements for a fun weekend. If only we had endless amounts of money! But we'll make do with what we have. I'll let you know how we come out next week. But for now I'm beginning the posting of the actual Christmas pictures from 2013. Lets go back in time and remember the fun. I hope we had some.

As always we started off with communion at church.
William teetering precariously over the edge. 
In the crow's nest. 
Coming down from the crow's nest. 
He was so tiny last year!
How do you spell jerk?
So many wiseacres in the family. And while I think Olivia's face here is on purpose, Lindsey's look in the background is not. 
Finally no wise acres.
Olivia's face makes me giggle.
The wiseacres are back.
Emma's requesting an audience with Prince William? 
Olivia's about to be knighted?
These next few are a progression of trying to take a picture with an almost two year old while trying to get him to look at the camera. Lets see what happened. 
Uh uh.
Nice try.
What's happening here is William's sticking his tongue in multi stacked communion cups. 
Same kid another attempt. 
Will they succeed better than Emma?
Nope again.
Gonna happen.
Olivia was all posey that Christmas Eve night. 
Once more with no posing by Olivia. 
All the sibs.
Sometimes 21 year olds don't look at the camera either!
One more time. 
Beej and the boys.
One more time. 
Cute pic.
And this one too. 
John has lost some of himself since last year.
Come on!
There you go.
Newly marrieds last year. 
And the other newly marrieds last year. 
The old marrieds.
And again.
Left this one in cause Emma's face amuses me. 
Back to the Willster with one shoe off. 
Sorry but once again I kept them all in because it amuses me. Lindsey's pointing out where the camera is and Melanie and Maggie aren't ready. 
Good for all but Randy's eyes are closed. 
The money shot.
And there it is, last year's Christmas Eve communion. I cannot believe we're about to do all that again! How has a year passed so quickly? It keeps happening!  

I have more posts to post before Christmas comes this year. But with me leaving town on Thursday, it's gonna be close and I may not make it. 

It's a cliffhanger with no real suspense.

I'm out like my Christmas tree will be next week.... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you are freaking me out! It's like it really was just yesterday!! Yikes!