Friday, May 18, 2012

The Drawsome controversy

Some of us have been playing the new game Drawsome. And just so you know, I'm awesome. That's right, I'm so good at drawing that it makes people jealous of my talent. I've drawn all kinds of amazing pictures of things like the talk show Ellen.....if only I had taken a pic of it.... and walruses and boats. This new game is causing me to expand my artistic horizons. Historically my specialty has been fantastic looking stick people and snails wearing top hats. I know, you're jealous already. Sadly so far, I've not had any snails in the drawsome bank of words, but here's hoping! Picture me with my fingers crossed. Well, quite the controversy arose yesterday when a questioner of my talented drawing, who happened to be Lindsey, chose to involve a "village." The village being the email females in the fam. Before you scroll down, let me say, it got ugly.

But before she included the email people, she first sent me a text with a picture of my amazing drawing. And the following conversation ensued.

My added blog commentary is in parenthesis.

Lindsey: ??? (This meant I have no idea what this is.)

Me: Corsage
Lindsey: OMG
Me: Ha ha ha. See, that's exactly what it looks like.
Lindsey: Hmmm
Me: Or an egg or a lovely colored bullseye or blood stain.
Lindsey: Corsage wasn't even on my radar. I thought it was a street!
Me: Oh my gosh! Clearly that was a shirt.
Lindsey: No. Not at alll! I'm sending it the jury. (She calls them jury, I call them village people.) (HEY! The Village People!)
Me: Well I guess I could have drawn a head in there.
Lindsey: um ya think?
Me: Maybe

Lindsey then sent the female email people the picture with a question. The next exchange is the flying emails.....all about my fantabulous drawing.

Again, my added blog commentary is in parenthesis.

Here's how it went.

Lindsey: Can anyone tell me what this is?? Lisa you hush. (Rude)

Lisa: I can't have people questioning my talent. (Especially jealous people)

Caitlin: A broach or a corsage. (Brilliant woman!)

Lindsey: Well Caitlin knew what it was. How, I have no idea!!!! (Because Caitlin has brilliant artistic interpretive skills thereby nailing the correct answer on the first try, as well as solidifying my confidence in my own awesome drawing ability.)

Emma: The only word I could come up with was "storage." Mom, I need to understand your thought process about that one. (Emma obviously has lesser artistic interpretive skills.)

Caitlin: For the record I didn't even look at the letters!!! (Brilliant skills.)

Emma: Well never mind. Caitlin just told me. But it looked like the halls of a storage building! (Emma told me later that she was so curious to know what my great drawing was that she couldn't wait for the email and therefore called Caitlin on the phone to tell her.)

Lisa: I knew Caitlin would "get me" she gets her drawing skills from me, and Emma I'm disappointed. Storage? Obviously you suck at drawsome. I'm insulted! (I really was insulted.)

Emma: Well I'm sorry that I could barely tell it's supposed to be on a body! (Rude.)

Lindsey: I thought it was a street!!!! (Wrong.)

Melanie: Reading all the hints I'm thinking corsage? (Duh.)

Lisa: whatevs you two are on my list! (The 2 being Lindsey and Emma.)

Caitlin: Mom, clearly you and I are on the same wave length.... (She thinks I'm the best artist ever.)

Lisa: totally! (And so do I.)

Becky: Looks like a big fork with a flower on it - pansy to be exact!! (Ridiculous!)

Lisa: Although I find that offensive Becky, after further review, it does resemble forkage. (I was being nice.)

Melanie: WHAT THE ?? is it??? (Caitlin's brilliant answer must not have been received.)

Carlie: Yeah, I'm stumped. (She didn't even try. Don't be a hater Carlie!)

Lisa: apparently a large fork.......or a corsage. (Still being nice to the haters.)

Carlie: Looks like a faucet with a flower in the middle. (Well that's even more ridiculous than a fork!)

Melanie: CAITLIN tell us cause you're momma won't !! (Still didn't get the email from Caitlin.)

Lisa: I did! Corsage. (Thinking Melanie hadn't gotten MY email.)

Lindsey: She couldn't possibly believe that it REALLY IS A CORSAGE IS THE PROBLEM! (Rude.)

Melanie: Hahahaha I totally thought you dissed my guess. (She wasn't getting it.)

Lisa: Somehow I missed the email where you guessed corsage. (I really did.)

Carlie: Corsage?!?! Where is it supposed to be placed? (Wait for it....)

Lisa: Over your face Carlie!!!!!!!!!!!! (BOOM!!!!)

Becky: Well I did say it was a flower, although I have never seen a pansy corsage!! (It was never a pansy when I drew it!)

Lisa: Who the heck said it was a pansy? I never said pansy! It's a huge fork corsage people!! (See?)

Carlie: Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Sorry!! But this should be a blog post, fyi. (Now it is.)

Melanie: Hahahahahahaha (Laughter.)

Lindsey: "over your face Carlie!!!!" I am still laughing!!!!!!!! (Because that was a good one.)

Carlie: Omg. Hahahahahahahahah can't stop laughing now. (More laughter.)

Carlie: Here's my 'sorry' for laughing. But come on, it was funnnnnnnny. (Carlie then sent the following picture of the little angel boy.)

Lisa: this will help with the healing process. (Because I'm wounded to my very core.)

(The end.)


Anonymous said...

Leaving the head off was probably a tiny bit of a mistake now in hindsight hmmm? So funny and amusing at your expense. Thank you

gnar car said...

hahaha so freaking funny.

'pansy to be exact' and 'over your face' were highlights. liked lin's burn about mom not being able to believe it was a corsage.

and that person has the neck of a giraffe.

*runs away*

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha still funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

COCO said...

For the record...I too play drawsome. Without even LOOKING at the letters, I knew IMMEDIATELY it was a corsage. I'm with Lisa on this one. Excellent artistic representation.

gnar car said...

but HOW!? i can see a flower but i, in no way, see a body. it's baffling.

gnar car said...

can see*

Caitlin said...

This fake person is definitely working with some ODD proportions!!! But I did get it!

Jeff said...

i don't play...but in ALL honesty...i immediately thought "that's a flower on a shirt!!!!!!"!...before i read anything :) hilarious!!!!!