Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some things and the 20 year old birthday

Today's my last day of work, and then my summer begins. I'm currently working on Easter blog posts and with some motivation, I'll have them finished before I leave Saturday for Dallas for Kelly and Jon's wedding. Destination wedding number two for me this year! YAY! Then my family will be spending some time in Corsicana. More YAY! And since the only Internet in Corsy for me is at Collin Street, I'll not be blogging. But some of the things I will be doing are: car rides, critter searching, picture taking, birthday celebrating, and trying to force myself to read books. I wish I loved to read, but I do not. But I'm committing myself to thinking about considering maybe working on it.

The other day my daughter Emma helped out at GAP and the little girls became very interested in her. Four of them gathered around and looked at pictures on her phone and asked her multi questions, then one little girl asked her very seriously, "Does your mommy pick out your clothes?" It may have been one of the cutest things ever.

I finally broke down and took my car to the car wash last Friday. In the last 24 hours, a bird, who'd had a pretty big lunch (if you know what I mean) pooped on it. NOT COOL BIRD!! I wash my car about 4 times a year and you ruined it! I hate the car washing process, so even though it currently has bird poop on it, I'll not be going back.

Next Friday Owen will be 17 years old, and I can't even believe it. I'm not sad about it, but at the same time I'm completely shocked. And because Olivia Grace just turned 20 years old, he's now the only teenager in my house. It's the final frontier. I'm pretty happy about the fact we've almost made it through teenagerdom without anyone hating our guts. So far Owen's made good teenager decisions, but there are lots more to be made. Here's to good decision making, for all of us.

As I just mentioned, Olivia became a 20 year old in May.

Of my four kids, she was by far the easiest child to birth, and each time I heard the doctor announce, "It's a girl!" I was never disappointed. Three times we heard it, and three times I knew we were gonna have a ball with a house full of girls. And we have, even with two boys in the house as well.

As we got to know Olivia, we knew she was gonna be a gem, and she is for reals. Little Olivia always kept up with her big sisters, and MOST of the time she was the sweet one, but also tough as nails.

She loves Corsicana. Gran called her Rosemary, not sure why he started, but it's a sweet memory.

I remember when she was a little girl she'd been bitten by a spider, and successfully hid it from us for as long as she could. When I finally saw it, I freaked! It was red and swollen and I felt it necessary to have a very large cow. And I did. John swooped in and treated it, while I was having my breakdown, and I'm happy to report her 20 year old hand is fine. I remember one time taking her to the doctor and she had to have a shot. It took the strength of me, John AND the nurse giving the shot to hold her down. And we almost lost the fight. I didn't feel sorry for her, but instead highly irritated. She's by far the quietest of my four children, and people call her shy or reserved. But I know even though Olivia may not say much, she's always thinking something! I also remember she was the hardest one of mine to send off to school, even though she went happily.

Olivia has a thinking mind. I can't really explain that, but anyone who knows her knows it's true. Maggie and she could share a brain; they think a lot alike, and they scare people with that trait. I think I've told this story before, but it's worth telling again. One day when the two of them were at Big Frank and Grandma's house, Big Frank and Frank were in the living room watching TV. At that time, there happened to be two remotes to the one TV with the boys having one, and the little girls with the other. Hidden under a nearby table, the girls kept switching the TV channel, much to the grown up's confused consternation. Big Frank and Frank discussed the problem of the switching channel, having no idea the girls were the culprits. Finally the giggling girls revealed their hiding place, and the four of them had a huge laugh about the whole thing.

She's quite the prankster and much of her humor's somewhat sophisticated. Lots of times she has to wait things out. She has much patience for the waiting. For example, last year Emma got her license renewed and thoughtfully chose her outfit, knowing this picture would last four years. Then Olivia had to have her driver's license renewed, and she deviously chose her's

Unbefreaking, but I love the sense of humor this girl has.

She loves the Addy May.

I adore this picture, and this girl!

They are besties.

And she loves all things Duke blue.

When Olivia graduated from high school last year, Dale asked everyone in the family to pick some adjectives to define her as they see her. I think they are all insightful and worth a repost.

I hardly ever go back and reread my blog because I rarely think what I read is good, but when I read this about the adjectives for Olivia, I loved it! "Because we are all something special to each other, but very rarely the same thing to all." I must have stolen that quote from somewhere.

Anyway here's a great description of Olivia.
Billie June – compassionate, peace maker, server
Becky –gentle hearted
Keith – sincere, focused
Dale – Deborah
Lydia – gentle, patient, calm, does not panic
Jared – quiet waters run deep, serious
Whitney – steady, strong, never seen you mad
Mollie – sneaky (way funny) great dance playlist maker
Carrie – gentle, is willing
Melanie – helper, considerate
Randy – passionate (shy) but strong
Lindsey – peaceful
Bill – mischievous
Austin – quiet, meek, easy going
Carlie – trustworthy, reliable, keeps her word, takes care of whatever is needed
Maggie – accomplice, selfless
Lisa – tender hearted, compassionate, patient, sneaky
John – reserved, inquisitive,
Caitlin - clever
Emma – everyone thinks she is quiet BUT she can talk a lot
Owen – caring and devious

An example of mischievous.

Livvy and the Gmaw.

Olivia with the beautiful blue eyes.

I think she's a keeper.


gnar car said...

she IS a keeper! and i bet this post make her super uncomfortable, simply become she hates attention. but i love it!

Anonymous said...

Olivia my partner. She has my back in the nursery and I appreciate her so much!! Wonderful post!

gnar car said...


say what gurl can't spell

Unknown said...

What a cutie she was!!! And is of course!

Caitlin said...

I am reminded of those GIANT flowers they put on her cake! I'm going to come up with a design for my cake!