Saturday, May 26, 2012

Easter 2012 is now officially over

These are the last of the Easter photos, random ones worth seeing because many amuse me for one reason or another. Commentary may be lame or sparse, cause I'm sick of it. Tell you what, make stuff up yourself.

After the wedding on Saturday, this is what I'll be doing for the next 8 days:
car riding
hopefully reading
celebrating Owen's 17th birthday
being glad I'm in Corsicana.

Now onto the pictures.

Emma's doing her impression of an owl. Hoo.....hoo.

This is an example of how Olivia caused me great consternation on that bright Easter morn.

And this as well.

I don't have anything sarcastic to say about this, but it cracks me up. Maybe something about....hmmmm.....nope, it's still not coming.

Maggie in an obvious photo bomb. Bill's amused, Lindsey's stunned.

Caitlin's hair's catching a breeze.

Maggie being highly skeptical that she and Carlie are really and truly related.

Emma's being sassy, which is perplexing Olivia. And Caitlin's continuing her streak of funny faces.

Emma seems to be the only one amused with herself.

Now Olivia's nonconforming in the other direction.

Mollie's about to bust with some information.

Maggie's complaining about those young whipper snappers again. In case any of you have forgotten, I've used that regarding Maggie before. But tell me that's not a whipper snapper face? Let's look at it close up.

It totally is!

Carlie's unamused by the two "blondes."

Next is exasperation.

Now obviously grossed out by something, but Emma's gonna keep posing.

But who's that in the background?

Olivia's found a hole.

She found the perfect spot for photobombing.


Now Olivia's trying to act casual, Whitney's recreating the Angelina Jolie leg, which is causing Carlie to be incredulous. Emma's in her own world now.

Olivia seems unsure.

And Caitlin's just plain scary.

Now I'm out like a fat kid in dodge ball.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

What wonderful Easter memories...