Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Graduation day for Caitlin

Another weekend has come and gone which means Christmas is getting closer and I'm not ready. My girls and I will be making a trip to Dallas just before Christmas week and I'll make lots of headway on shopping while there. At this stage in the game of life and Christmas the pressure is low compared to having wee ones who expect an epic Christmas morning of merriment. I'm really relieved about that. 

Caitlin graduated with her masters successfully on Saturday. There was no fighting over seats with overbearing women who are rude and seethe with attitude. Not that I'm being specific or anything. BUT. It was festive as the orchestra played Christmas music while people were not fighting over seats and we settled in for our long wait until the graduates followed the big stick of knowledge into the venue. 
One this way.
And one that way. 
Caitlin came by before she had to be in her spot, looking all pretty and smart. 
In case you didn't know by now, the ceremonial mace carried in at the onset of the graduation, is what I call the big stick of knowledge. My name is so much better. Anyway I got the best picture of it this time than I ever have during past graduations. I'm pretty pumped about it. 
My life makes me sad. 

The ceremony came off without a hitch and this may be our last graduation until Owen finishes in 3 1/2 years. To be honest, I'm all graduated out for now. We've attended so many in the last few years that it may be time for a break. AND we should have our own section in the coliseum by now. When I think about it though, we do.

Lets see what other things we saw... 

Emma went to find Caitlin amongst the graduates and she took a few pictures with some of her friends. 
I know none of these people, so make up names if you so wish. 

I do know this guy! He's Emma's friend Lance who also graduated with his Masters. He was our dog sitter while we were at the beach this past summer. Addy requires a certain level of intelligence before she signs off on her dog watcher person. 
The stage was set once again for the ceremony. 
There's John walking in with the faculty. I'm so jealous of that guy with the blue bars on his robe and the weird floppy hat. I want one so bad! But not bad enough to go back to school for it! I'm certain the floppy hat would look so good on me. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.  
Over there in the distance is Caitlin. She was flanked by two hugely tall people and once in her chair, she was lost amongst the hats. She looked like a tiny little kindergarten person between the other two. 
Diploma cover in hand. 
So cute and excited to be finished!
An old friend, Stephanie, was there to watch her sister graduate. 
Jessica is the sister.
Glamming it up with Grams. 
Once more.
This day we had a skeleton crew due to so many of the family being out of town so I had to rely on Dale to take my family pictures. Lets see how he did.  
We already know what I think about this...has nothing to do with Dale's picture taking ability. 
Not bad...got to get in a little closer.
I took this as a practice shot before stepping back in. 
Here we go. Good job. 
Not hard to take a good picture at all. BUT!! Why John why? We've been doing it for 30 years. THIRTY. Look at the camera. Make sure your face is seen. And freaking smile! It's simple and direct. 
Then I got the rest of the crew.
And the proud Mom and Dad.
My kiddos.
And the girlies.
Almost finished. 
And it's in the books. 
The semester is officially over for all students and Caitlin has her diploma cover but not her diploma in hand. That comes later in the mail. And I have two more stories to tell. The hood she's wearing is actually for nursing and not business. When she went to the bookstore to purchase hers, they gave her the wrong color. So irritating and I want it fixed! I'm working on getting it exchanged. BUT. If anyone needs any blood drawn for anything, Nurse Caitlin can handle it for you. The other is...last year Caitlin got tickets on her car for not having a tag or some such thing. The parking on campus is ridiculous and the tickets are $50 each. So stupid, so I don't really blame her for not wanting to pay them. Anyway...she never paid them and I was thinking they wouldn't let her graduate if she didn't pay them. Well before this school year began she and Olivia hatched a plan to NEVER have the offending car parked on campus. They achieved this by Olivia taking Caitlin to and from school each day. Turns out their plan was successful. She never paid the tickets and they never booted her car. BUT. She can never ever ever park on campus again. She's officially a scofflaw. Well done them. I guess.

There's more to say but I'm now so sleepy I just can't think straight so it will have to wait for another day. 

I'm off to see if my bed's still in the same place. 

Gonna be so ticked if it's not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry I missed it. My first one to miss I think!! So proud of Caitliee B