Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lets see how great the reception was

We are currently living in the weekend and it's very exciting. I have so many projects to work on that my mind is all over the map trying to pick which one is first...or at all. I hope by Sunday I can boast of just one being completed. We shall see. The most exciting thing of the weekend so far is the potato soup for supper last night. John made it, and while it was good, he's fallen in love with the purple potato. He's so easily swayed by shiny objects and weird foods. And even though Caitlin said the color of the final product was off putting, we deemed it delish in spite of it. 

And since I really have nothing else interesting to speak of, we'll get right to the wedding reception. While waiting on the bride and groom to arrive, we filled the time with what else? That's right, taking pictures.

Lets see who we see. 
Jimmy James seemed surprised by the camera. He also has so much more hair now than then. 
Great picture of the Turner family. 
Pretty sure Emma hogged Lucas that night. 
Neither boy looks sure of what's happening here. 
William on the other hand was right at home serving up some funny stuff. 
I think we clean up real good. 
He'd gone into his break dancing here. 
A little soft shoe. 
Bringing it home for the big finale. 
Equal parts beautiful and delicious. 
He was looking at me through the door as I was waiting for Mollie and Araon. 
Head and shoulders knees and toes...
Still haven't moved on to eyes and ears and mouth and nose...
This is a lovely place for a photo. 
Here they come.
Waiting to be announced as the Mr. and Mrs.
Once more.
Deep breath and on to dancing. Pretty sure he was super excited about it. 
Now we're dancing.

The plant in the background makes it look like Mollie swirled her hair around quickly...if only.
Almost finished. 
And done.
Dancing with Dad was next. 
The sparkle here is amazing. I planned that. OK, that may not be true. 
One more.
Now the dancing is finished til William comes back on the scene. 
Nice pic.
Best man speech.
Maid of honor speech.
Cutting the cake with no cake cutting controversy. 
Gmaw and Connie look conspiratorial. 
Good looking guys.
I think the soccer was over by now Olivia.
Caitlin and a sleepy Lucas.
Mollie getting a hair change by Maggie.
Lots of lovely ladies.
Once more.
Olivia must be in a low chair?
I think she's eating cheesecake which brings me quite efficiently to the cheesecake controversy. It seems the official groom's cake was three different kinds of cheesecakes placed on a table just inside the door to the venue. WELL, someone cut the cheesecake prematurely which led the wedding coordinator person to FREAK and hire a cheesecake body guard (the guy was huge) to literally guard the cheesecake area. He was tossing people across the room and thumping people if they walked too closely to the cakes of cheese. OK, that may not be wholly true, but the premature cutting IS true and the cheesecake bodyguard IS true. Neither the bride, groom, nor mother of the bride was upset in any way about the cutting of the cheesecake. The only over reactors were the wedding planning people. No people were harmed during this part of the reception. FYI It's never OK to cut any type of cake at any type of wedding reception. Some yahoo looked over and thought, Look! There's cakes at a reception! Looks delicious! I think I'll cut it! NOOOOOO! Don't do it!!
They aren't laughing about the cheesecake. 
Randy looks so pumped. 
Mom and son breaking it down on the dance floor. 
So I was gonna take this picture of Austin and Lauren and then a creeper got involved. 
Then the creeper was included and Lauren wasn't looking. 
Then the creeper was shunned for the final photo. 
No creepers here. 
The baby nursery. 
We look fabulous!
Now I'm gonna accuse Caitlin of hogging Lucas. 
Another great photo.

Lukie Lou seemed unimpressed with the festivities. 
And once more. 
Lovely table decos. 
Then William called all the single ladies for a dance with him. The boy is a player. 
He's working and making things happen. 
In spite of his small stature, he worked the room better than any other male. 
Great photo of Mom and Dale. 
Tiffany came from D.C. for the wedding. 
Mollie and newly minted father in law. 
I love this photo enough...
To do it twice. 
Plus Tiffany makes another good photo op coming to an end....almost. 
And there's the best of the best of the reception. 

Update about the weekend chores, so working on the list. But the weekend's not over yet. If only I could change my den floor out without moving furniture on a budget of about $100. Then life would be sublime. 

Currently I'm watching Love Actually while smelling chicken gumbo cooking for supper. I'm off to see what project I'll not do next!

Come back for more! 

If there is!


Anonymous said...

Love love love and some of the napkins are still riding around in my car

Mollie_Walker said...

<3 just LOVE