Friday, June 15, 2012

June happenings

Rec ball is underway and Owen's the Taco Bell boy number 13 this year. He's having fun and with a short season, there's not enough time to get tired of it.

On his first game night these are some of the peeps who showed up to watch. Melanie was there as well.

But when I didn't like the first 5 photos taken, I got the look from Caitlin.


I remembered this story I have to tell about Emma. Last semester she was talking to a teacher and they were discussing her "inner locust of control." When later she was recounting the story to her sister Olivia, Olivia said to her, "You need to grab your inner locust of control and crush it." It made me laugh out loud.

Caitlin's been bored at work which prompted her to start rereading my blog from the beginning, which is all well and good. But she's also decided to comment on every single post. And since I get an email every time someone comments on my blog, I'm now receiving mega amounts of emails from her almost daily. She's out of control.

One day I was walking by the living room and looked in and saw this.

When I asked why she was sitting on that she said something about Emma is always moving the office chair and she's tired of fighting it so she got another seat. And besides it, "uses your core."

The other day I was cleaning out the pantry of the many things people had bought thinking it was a good idea, but instead ended up an epic fail. People in this case almost exclusively being Caitlin. Well a long while back she bought a cereal called Ezekiel 4:9, and the box was still almost full. When I asked her about it, she said without hesitation, "Throw it away. It tastes like the outdoors, or pretty much what I think hay would taste like." Which just goes to show, even if you name your product after the Bible, doesn't mean it's gonna be good.

Last week I was diligently drawing another awesome Drawsome for Maggie while in a room with other people. When I showed them my masterpiece, they said it looked like something vomiting rather than a mermaid.

After further review I saw their point, but was still offended. So because in Drawsome there actually ARE do overs, I drew it again.

I was given the suggestion of making her hair red because of Ariel, the little mermaid. And even though my armless mermaid had quite a bit of "junk in her trunk" I was extremely pleased with the finished product. One smarty pants asked me what was the deal with the Jesus fish swimming by. Why shouldn't Ariel have a Jesus fish? I shushed them and sent my drawing on its way. I'm happy to report Maggie guessed it easily, and I'm expecting a call from art institutes any day now.

Also last week Caitlin went to exercise at her work out place and when she finished and was walking to her car, she clicked her door opener and got in a white car. As she sat down in the driver's seat she noticed a bag of mini bagels on the floor. Since we had mini bagels at our house, she ran it through her head that we must have driven over to the work out place and dropped the mini bagels off in her car. Which makes perfect sense right? Because her family realized she might have a mini bagel emergency while working out? Hmmm. After further inspection of the vehicle's interior (it was gray not khaki) she realized it was not her car. As she was telling me this story I asked, "How do you live with yourself? And she said, "It's a full time job."

Sunday the Price girlies were in town for a visit, so we all met at Melanie's house for homemade ice cream. There were about 20 people there as well as 4 dogs and it got real crazy real quick when the following things happened in less than 15 minutes. Carrie was calling to facetime with Melanie on her computer, while at the same time Randy's mother was calling the house phone. One of the four pups saw this as an excellent opportunity to climb on a couch and knock over an abandoned cup of ice cream in order to enjoy the creamy goodness. As that was getting cleaned up, Lindsey, nursing William, said, "Something doesn't smell good," and in a millisecond, one of the dogs pooped on the floor. Well the stink got bad fast, so I opened a window. But when I was moving the window's shutter out of the way, I knocked over a lamp and the light bulb broke and I said, "Shhhhhhh." Immediately Jared poked his head around the corner and said, "Are you teaching the little girls some new language?" I said, "I was telling the lamp to be quiet." Then seconds later, Maya, who'd been banished to the back yard with the other dogs, jumped through the window screen. It was quite the amusing sequence of events.

Last night we looked up and saw this little guy hanging around the patio.

Looks like he's got a good suction going there.

Then later Owen came in the room and said, "I want something sweet." John quickly responded with, "Come give me a sugar." Owen did not.

Olivia and Emma actually put on scarves and winter hats due to the frigid temps in our house last night. I was just as comfy as could be and could even have gone a few degrees lower.

Then when I walked by the living room last night I saw this

And just about split my side laughing. But he's using his core.

Then I was looking through some pictures and I ran across this drawing. Now I know you all think I drew this because it's so cute and because I have such talent, but I did not. Caitlin actually drew this depiction of her sister Emma a while ago and I took a pic of the pic because I thought it was adorbs.

So I finished this post last night and was just about to hit publish when I did something stupid and messed the whole thing up. I was very unhappy with myself and told myself immediately. So I worked and worked to fix it and finally gave up at 2:45, thinking the morning seemed like a better idea. Then as I was working on it today, Emma came in and asked about her tax refund that still hasn't come. So John was gonna look it up online and asked her what her social security number was. She didn't know it by heart and I said, "You need to memorize it right now." She replied as she was pointing to her head, "I've got a lot of stuff up here and there's no room left. I'm gonna have to shred a few things first."

And that's a rap on the random June happenings at this point in time.

I'm off to lunch.

Choco tacos.


Emma said...

OMG. I'm sitting next to you right now and just said this was super funny. BUT since you wanted a comment I'm commenting...

Unknown said...

I laughed MULTI times!!! And what's ironic is bill called me yesterday and asked me for my social sec #. I give it to him and he hangs up on me (literally). Seconds later he calls back and says that's not right try again. I say it is right! He says ok. Hangs up. HOURS LATER I'm sitting on the couch and it hits me out of no where I gave him the wrong number!!! Oops.

Anonymous said...

That was great. Those few minutes that Sunday when all that was happening I SO wish someone was filming it cause it was just not to be believed

Caitlin said...

I'm thinking about getting another workout ball. I need one that isn't weighted...