Friday, April 27, 2012

The missing background

So I'm pretty unhappy with blogger at the moment, and if I didn't have years of posts to move, I might try to find a more suitable place to post my stuff. A few days ago, with no warning, I lost my lovely flower background. It just disappeared. Gone. Gone to somewhere. Lost to the ages. And I can't remember where I found it, cause I didn't think I needed to remember! And I've now searched for hours looking for it, but sadly, to no avail. So I changed it to the one that was before this one....try to keep up....but it clashed with the blue of William's outfit, so I had to change it again. So I'll keep griping about losing the other one, as I continue looking for it. It all means something to me, but probably nothing to anyone else. BUT I don't want to complain here anymore, or too loudly, cause if you scroll down, you'll find baby's sleeping.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the last background with the little chick. It was perfect!!