Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A hodge podge of things

A road trip's in store for some of my fam later today. Caitlin can't go due to work. I'd make a sad face here, but I'm not gonna. It's been a very prolific few days with Easter and college spring break and car repairs, followed by more car repairs and then some more car repairs. That would be MY car needing to be repaired. It's 10 years old, so it's something we've sorta been expecting. As of right now the universal joints have been changed by my husband, then the car repair people had to get involved in changing the fly wheel, (who knew a car has a fly wheel and more importantly, WHO CARES!) And before the work was finished, they called and said the starter's bad due to the bad fly wheel. Whatever. One thousand dollars later, I want a brand new car. But since that's not gonna happen, I guess I'll get in my car and love my new fly wheel and starter.

On another note, the other night I was sitting on the couch piddling on the computer as Owen was sprawled out in a chair nearby. That boy uses every square inch of a piece of furniture like no one I've ever seen. You'd have to see it to believe it. And across the room from us, John was sound asleep. BIG SHOCKER, John was asleep. Well as Owen sunk deeper into the folds of the fabric of the chair, he suddenly exclaimed, "It's so freaking hot in this room!" Then, even in John's unconscious state I heard him feebly mumble, "I know." Which launched me into a frenzy saying, "Well why in the heck wouldn't either of you just get up and turn the air down!" At the time, my temperature was fine. Well later, after the air had cooled the room and John had regained consciousness, He stated to Olivia and myself, "I was in a heat induced coma." It still makes me giggle when I think about it. As If John needs a reason to fall asleep.

The baseball season's coming to a close, and that's all I have to say about that. But about 3 weeks ago, Owen told us he thought this would be his last year playing baseball, which made me sad that something he has loved since he was a little boy seemed to be coming to an end. Now he's already talking about playing next year. And that's REALLY all I'm gonna say about that.

The Easter weekend was a success, even though we were missing a few peeps. I'll have much to post about Easter as well as Brooke and Ben's wedding weekend, but it's gonna have to wait til next week. We shall return on Sunday and when we do, the frenzy of school ending will be in full swing. I personally have 27 days before my summer begins. My 2 college girls as well as Owen will be in the fight to end strong. I'm confident they will.

Here's a little teaser for you from the wedding and Easter. I love a wedding, and I love Easter!
These pictures are a combination of Melanie's and mine. First up, a wedding in Texas, can't beat that!

Love this.

The newly married couple with an out of control Billie June. What in the cat hair were you thinking Mother?

Love this.


This may be the sweetest thing ever.


Slade E with his aunties.

Cute pic of the girlies with Suzie and Becky.

This picture was so hard to try to get. I'll have to explain later.

Cute pic Of Carmen and Suzie.

Slade and the uncles.

On a bright Easter morn.

Lindsey, Bill and William, under wraps.

Turners minus Austin.

Herrocks in total.

And Walkers as well.

The family present for the 2012 Easter celebration.

Another good one.

The grands with the Gmaw.

What a magical ending to Easter.

Peace out peeps.

Til next week.....


Anonymous said...

Fun times and memories made!!

gnar car said...

ya'll going to gran's?

and "heat induced coma" made me laugh out loud. hilar.