Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The "and yet" birthday

This year we celebrated Emma's 21st birthday in Dallas, after our fun and fabulous all girls weekend ended. The day began as it usually does when we're there, shopping, followed by more shopping until collapsing at a restaurant in the evening. The restaurant of choice was i fratelli's for the fact that it's yummy AND because they serve super delicious peach Bellinis as well. It was a fun way to enjoy Emma's birthday, as well as bookend a great weekend in Dallas.

And once again it seems unbelievably impossible this 21 year old was once my little baby girl. And as most know Emma, she's anything but a baby anymore. She's become a strong, independent, outgoing young woman who seems ready to take on the world. She's opinionated, wonder where she got that from, and never backs down from a challenge. She loves shopping, clothes, makeup and girlie stuff, but she's not afraid to get her hands dirty when there's a painting project to tackle. She puts together an outfit the night before school and IF she wants an opinion, as she did last night, I must be ready to defend my position as to why I don't like it.....as I did last night. She's become quite the writer as she's honed her skills as a reporter for the university's student paper and has written many excellent articles, like this one.

That says, by Emma Herrock

She's an excellent photographer. She took this photo of Billie June, which is one of my all time favorite pictures ever.

And a year from this May she'll be the second of our children to graduate from college. 

And yet..... 

I remember the days of this blond headed little girl with chubby cheeks I could squeeze to pieces.

And I remember her sassy self as she clomped around the house playing dress up with her two sisters. It was just a precursor to her current wardrobe delights. I remember her as a baby in Corsicana being so sick she could barely breathe, and the terror that filled John and I as we felt helpless not knowing what to do. And when we took her to the doctor and he told us she had asthma, we refused to accept it and prayed to God that she be healed, and she was. 

I remember her tiny self declaring she would "kick me" for laughing at her when she got mad about something. And I remember when going to Big Frank's was the biggest date on her agenda.

I remember the day I was sitting by Gran's bed at Mom's house and as usual he was talking about wanting to go to heaven. I remember telling him he couldn't go that very day because it was Emma's 13th birthday. But in less than an hour after telling him that, he went anyway. And when I saw the look on her tear stained heartbroken face, I told her, "We're gonna celebrate this as the day he was no longer trapped in a hospital bed, but instead got to go to heaven." And we did.

And as unbelievable as it may seem, John's dad also died on her birthday just last year. Pretty crazy that not one, but two of her grandfather's exited this world on her day. But once again she took it in stride, as I expected she would.

So on her 21st birthday, in the world's eyes, she officially became an adult. 

An adult....

And yet she will always be our sassy blond haired girl who stole our hearts the second we laid eyes on her.

Here's to taking on the world Emma.

I know you'll make your mark.

And as you do, I'll hang back as I practice the art of letting go.

So far, it's the hardest job I've faced as a mom.

Here's to 21 plus a hundred more!

Enjoying a little refreshment on her birthday.

Some of the peeps helping celebrate. So glad Kelly, Joe and Mary could join us! I super duper love my attention to detail, like the straw that looks as if it's hanging out of Emma's mouth. UGH! Why didn't I move the stupid glass?!

These two girls were born 16 days apart. Maggie will ALWAYS be 16 days older. It will matter for harassment purposes when they are 40 and 50 and 60.....

They love to be goofy.

Great picture of Becky and Keith.

My other two dahling girls being silly.

And now trying to behave which is impossible.

See? I knew it wouldn't last.

We had such a fun time making 21st birthday memories.

Cute pic of Caitlin and Olivia.

Love this one of me and my beautiful girlies.

And this one of Kelly, Becky and Melanie.

Joe, Mary, Grandma and a frightening Olivia. As well as more straws!

That's Grandma back there in the cheap seats and a cute pic of Olivia and Carrie.

Emma's about to cut into the yummy cake.

Maggie's armed and dangerous.

Another cute one of Olivia and Carrie.

That cake was so freaking good! And although it looks as if Maggie just lit one up, instead she's actually licking the icing off a candle!

The birthday girl with Grandma.

Once more.

And one last time.

There's always more growing up to do.

I know that well, because I'm still trying to reach adulthood!

It's exhausting.

Love you Emma!


Unknown said...

This made me cry!!!!!! I don't want William to grow up!!!!!

However Maggie "lighting up" made laugh' looks just like it'!!!!

Emma said...

I was sitting in class reading this and had to hold my tears at bay!! Almost didn't make it! Love you too, mom!

Anonymous said...

Made me cry too and this is why we need BABIES LOTS AND LOTS OF BABIES!!
totally looks like Maggie's tokin hahahahahha

gnar car said...

this was lovely.