Thursday, April 19, 2012

The grown up's road trip to Texas

Last month our niece Brooke got married in Texas and all the older generation from Monroe, left the "young bucks" to fend for themselves for a few days while we went to Dallas and then on to Possum Kingdom for the wedding. It was the first time ever all the younger peeps were in town alone. In fact, since Bill and Lindsey were gone as well, it meant no married people were here! I mean, that's never ever happened. OK, moving on.

On Thursday before the wedding, Melanie, Randy, Grandma, John and myself left for our first destination, Dallas, to meet up with Carrie, Becky and Keith. Our plan was to eat, shop and sleep there before leaving for the kingdom on Saturday. It'd been 8 years since John and I were in Dallas together. The main reason being John's not a shopper. And after being there with him again, I was reminded that fact hasn't changed.

After a lovely dinner on Thursday night, we were up and running on Friday since it was our only day to shop before we left town. So while John chose to go to Bass Pro Shop all by his lonesome, spending much of his time getting lost while doing so, Randy went with the girls. Oh my. He managed to behave himself as best he could, until the time was drawing near for the next March madness basketball game, at which point we dumped him in a parking lot to meet up with Keith so the two of them could get to the nearest TV to watch the game. Meanwhile, John wandered aimlessly through his own version of Disneyland for a big chunk of the afternoon. I'll finish this part of the trip by saying, things were purchased and food was eaten and before we knew it, Saturday came, and we were off to see Brooke and Ben get married. YAY!

On Saturday Morning there was a frenzy in the house as we prepared to leave with all our wedding finery secured in the car, and after a short discussion about riding partners, the girls rode together and the boys rode together. It was a good decision. And then, we were off to parts least for me. We rode through Weatherford, never been there....lovely. And Mineral Wells, never been there, lovely as well. We took a few pics on the way.

This is in Weatherford. No idea what it is, but it's quite lovely.

This was Melanie's attempt to get a picture, while driving I might add, of all the stuff in the car as well as the peeps. And with that nice shot of Becky's neck, I'd say she nailed it.

I'm preparing my camera for a back seat project due to boredom, or claustrophobia. As you can see, things were piled HIGH.

A view from the back seat.

My project's begun, but it needed a little tweaking.

There we go. Self portraits. AND I'm ready for ANY eye glass emergency, reading or sun.

I think I'm hilarious.

Don't know why I look surprised in this picture. I mean, I KNEW I was taking my picture.

Now straightening up for a more sophisticated look.

This was amusing as well. And that green gum was super refreshing. Classy.

Not sure where we are here.

Oh yeah, this is Mineral Wells.

Neat building.

Neat house.

Once we arrived in the lovely setting of Possum Kingdom, there was much to do to get ready.

Up next, Brooke and Ben's wedding.

Coming soon.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha it was a fun ride to the kingdom of possums. the first building is in weatherford tho it's the town square. Since you were so crammed in the back you didn't get the scenic part so much!!

gnar car said...

loveee the new background!

and the pic of you laughing is...hilar.