Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Saturday afternoon

With 7 new arrivals on Saturday, we had to have more beds! So hand me down bunk beds that had been trucked in from Louisiana were assembled in the living room for the coming night's sleep. But with the little girls ready to explore around the farm, things kicked into high gear, and so did the photography. Boy did it. The combined total photos from just two cameras was somewhere in the neighborhood of 1800, and that doesn't even include Meredith's! That's a lot of photos to look through searching for the best of the best. I'm slowly picking my favorites.

Late Saturday afternoon the final arrival of the day was Keith. At least I think so. This is getting more and more confusing as I continue.

Anyway, the rest of the day included chatting it up, checking out the barn, visiting Buster the horse, aka Socks. We had a glorious respite in the heat with the temperature plummeting to 94. And while we were in the country, some of the city people at the LSU game managed to run into each other even in the midst of 8 squllion fans at Cowboys stadium.

This meeting was totally unplanned.

Well, thankfully LSU won so the people in Corsicana who watched on TV, as well as the Dallas watchers weren't wearing cranky pants. So we decided to celebrate the football win with more ice cream from Brahm's on the back porch. One other important occurrence at the farm on Saturday night was that we managed to run the well dry for the first time in forever. FANTASTIC. There's no commode flushing when water don't flow. It's a HUGE problem. So after a run to Home Depot and some engineering, we finagled a fix. I'm keeping mum on how, but soon, we were back in business with commodes flushing freely. DEE lightful.

Photographically, here's how the rest of the afternoon went.

Cutie pie swinging.

Another cutie pie

Love this.

Everyone's taller than Carlie.

There are so many great pictures.

Taking a break.

Ella doing some light astronomy. The dogs know the short kid's food is close to the ground. They stayed close to her a lot.

Love the light in this photo.

I love fence pictures.

This one too.

Soooo cute!


I have no words.

For this either.

Maddie looking adorable.

Caitlin and Ava were discussing her tiger on her cheerleader uniform.

She was telling Caitlin what it was.

And what the tiger says.

She seems satisfied that she explained herself perfectly.

Buster/Socks is waiting to greet the kiddies.

Here comes Ava and Caitlin to say hi.

They like each other.

How sweet is this?

Maddie's running to check things out.

Ella needed to get up and over.

And here she goes.

Almost there.

Getting a leg up.

Made it to the top.

And that's how it's done.

Maddie's beating Carlie.

Love the running and love the red barn in the background.

Gotta have a fence picture.

Believe it or not, I actually took a couple of pictures out of this post. There are so many more to pick I just can't tell you. BUT, I'm working to get more finished. There were more activities to come on this Saturday evening and night so I'm choosing to break the day up into a few more posts.

Since I started the sleeping log for that night, I'm gonna go ahead and finish it here. At the end of Saturday these were the sleeping people in Corsicana and they're assigned beds. John and I moved out of the little room and into the living room that contains multi beds with Melanie, Randy, Whitney and Mollie. The bunk bed guinea pigs were Jared and Owen. Carlie, Caitlin, Maggie and Olivia slept in the front bedroom. Emma, Grandma and Carrie slept in Gran's room, and Becky slept on an air mattress in the den. Meredith, Jeff, Ella, Maddie and Ava slept in the little room, and Keith slept at a local hotel.

At the end of the day at the farm there were 21 sleeping people and 6 sleeping dogs.

My final disclaimer about these photographs. As I said before, I can't tell you who took what pictures, but I know the following people were involved. A round of applause goes to Melanie, Mollie, Emma and Whitney. If I left anyone out, I apologize.

Stay tuned for more.

I promise there's tons!

1 comment:

gnar car said...

these kids are just so stinking cute!!!