Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Corsicana Labor Day Sunday Photo Journal

With Sunday came picnic day, and much to be done with three kinds of ice cream to be made as well as a full menu of yummy food. There was once again an influx of arrivals with Lindsey and Bill, and then Brooke and Ben coming in after a successful watching of the LSU game. Joe, Mary, Connie, Tori and Randy joined us for the day as well. It was hotels for everyone staying the night on Sunday since the inn was full at Route 3. We managed to have another full day of fun that included horse riding, cooking, ice cream making and a hayride to end the day.

First thing on the agenda Sunday morning was dog walking and breakfast on the back porch. Ellie, who'd been a bad girl and gone near the street was put on a leash so she could be more closely monitored. Ava saw this as a brilliant opportunity to start a dog walking business. As you can see in the photo, off she went on her adventure with a much reluctant Ellie in tow. Ellie's never treated in such a dog like manner and therefore the resentment on her face is palpable. I'm certain she was wondering where in heaven were her humans and if only they could see how she was being treated, she would surely be rescued immediately.

A cute outfit of pj's is an excellent dog walking ensem.

Ava's determined, Ellie's freaked!

Now we're starting to see the breakdown. Wait for the next picture.

The taut leash speaks volumes as Ellie's thinking, "Oh no you didn't little girl just pull and push me down the sidewalk. This is so primitive!"

Maddie couldn't let Ava have all the fun so she cornered Maya to be her walking dog. I think Maya feels it's even more degrading than Ellie did. With her head hung in shame, and eyes closed, she's trying to make the nightmare go away.

Ella was mesmerized by a phone and had not yet joined the fun.

By now Maddie had done the old switcheroo with little sis and taken Ellie to be her pup.

Ella looked up from the phone and saw the opportunity. By now all little dogs had been harnessed and therefore Cammie was the next choice. Cammie's thoughts? "Oh bother."

Look at Maya's face here. Clearly there's a plan being hatched in her mind. Maybe it's gnawing through the leash.

Dog walking is over. Now it's time for whistling practice.

Although the faces are intent on something, the photographer has cut out what they were focused on. My bet, it's a phone.

Yep, in the background, there's the phone. Ava's face is amusing to me. I sense she's spotted Emma's bottled fruit drink and is thinking, "Woman, I'm choking on this dry cookie! Pass that thing over here!"

The intimidation didn't seem to work, but there's nothing like a yummy sugary confection for breakfast. Over the years it's been standard back porch fare.

Odd pairings on the back porch. I think Caitlin's thinking the same thing.

Next it was food prep time with corn shucking the focus for the little ones. Maddie looks as if she's perfected the art of shucking quite nicely.

Whitney and Ava are working as a team.

A little girl and her shucked corn.

The job's moving right along.

Ava's either enjoying the sight of her finished product, or this is a clear case of corn hoarding.

I think she's enjoying the fruits of her labor.

Uh, no I'm going with corn hoarding.

The cute little corn hoarder has been drawn in by the multitudes of lovely corn.


Wait, I think her focus is about to change.

Yes, there it is. Every child's clean and appropriate toy. The fly swatter. She seems thrilled!

Flies beware! Ava's on duty!

I love this photo of Ava in the inside porch and Grandma's reflection in the door. Love it.

Don't bother me I'm swattin flies!

People milling about.

Suddenly Shorty began to crater. I can't imagine why after dog walking and corn shucking and fly swatting. She'd come to the end of herself. At least until after a nap.

Dad's trying to sell a nap to the daughter. I'm thinking she thought he was right.

So with Ava unavailable for photos, the focus turned to Hank and Buster meeting at the fence to get acquainted.

Ella and Mom having a moment while swinging.

And there was time for a Swander family photo shoot. Even dogs close their eyes.

Better. I'm loving the Elvis hair on Bill caused by the windy conditions.

Best! Even though the Elvis hair's gone.

About this time in the afternoon we had our picnic. I have no picture evidence of anyone eating. Just imagine in your mind people eating yummy brisket, potato salad, peas, corn and some other stuff. It was all delicious. I want some more right now.

The multi-tasker awoke from her nap and was quickly rewarded for her efforts with ice cream. Yum!

Ava hanging with Brooke and Ben. I mean the girl was EVERYWHERE.

And getting a sugar from Mom.

Jared and Tori waiting on the hayride.

Randy and Tori waiting on the hayride.

Ava telling Joe how it's gonna be.

Then, Caitlin had to make an early departure to go home for work on Monday which was very sad. So she had to miss the hayride.

Ava agreed to be an honorary Herrock and join us in our family photo before Caitlin had to leave.

And then she was gone. I'm so certain she'll be happy about this photo.

Melanie and Ava blew kisses as she went on her way.

Hank's quite photogenic.

Jeff took some time to read a book.

The Swanders are chillin.

Mollie joined the Swander chillin. And once again the wind kicked up and I became mesmerized by Lindsey's wind blown pony.

They practiced this look all morning. They nailed it.

Back to Lindsey's hair dancing in the wind.

Then I became intrigued by Brooke's sunglasses and the air holes on the ends. I found them fascinating.

Super cute pic of Lindsey and Maddie.

Cute again.

Short stuff's back on the scene. She's a presence wherever she goes.

Oh Look, a picture without Ava in it.

Meredith's making crooked party invites. I'M KIDDING. But really.

Ava pointed out the crookedness and said, "I will not have it Mom!"

Then we were pleasantly surprised to have a short rain shower but it couldn't deter the swinging. So they made a shelter from the minor rainstorm. Check out Ava's face.

Still cute.

Still again.

Look how cute! UGH. Blurriness I hate you!

Hank was loving the rain. I loved watching him run in it. He seemed so happy about it.

Shorty's checking on something. She's like the human counterpart of Maya. Could be trouble.

Maddie and Emma.

Major pretzel munchies.

Shorty suspects Lindsey has some sugar.

She was correct and has a nose for sniffing sugar from 50 feet away. These things they are eating are green rubbery plastic that masquerade as candy. Yuk.

But people with undiscerning pallets like to eat them. Yuk.

I exude joy and happiness.

There was time for a walk before the hayride.

Not sure what Tori's snacking on here.

Sun's on the way down, must be about time to take some photos and load up for the hayride.

Ahhhh, so picturesque.

Dale and Lydia were the last arrivals on Sunday, getting there just before the hayride was to commence.

I feel it necessary to say that this post took multi days and many hours to complete. I'm exhausted! And in case you haven't noticed yet, if you weren't holding a kid, or feeding a kid or swinging a kid or shucking corn with a kid or toting a kid, it wasn't very likely you got your picture took. I have 2 documented pics of the Billie June. Cause she was never holding a kid!

On this trip, that's how we rolled.

Next up, hayride!

But I need some time.


Unknown said...

Great Job!!! Wish we were there now!!

gnar car said...

love all the pics!

Anonymous said...

Your commentary is priceless!! love the pics, the weekend, the people...all grand memories til the next time!!!

Jeff said...

oh. my. gosh!!! i LOVED this post...ava kills me - & she's mine!!!!!! she is such a mess!
i cannot wait to be first in line at your book signing...just sayin'!!!!! :)
looking forward to the next posts...i'm always up for a good laugh!