Thursday, May 26, 2011

The cute, the funny, the silly.....

Photo posts are exhausting and having just finished the grad post, I can't do another!! And yet here's another. Scroll down and have a look at the cute, the funny, the silly and the, "Wait I wasn't ready," photos. They're still some of my favs.

Caitlin's preparing for grad.

Backatcha Carlie.

Melanie's photo bombing moment. I have to say was perfectly placed. Carlie should be jealous.

A close up of the same pic. Well done.

And again.

Caitlin thought she heard something behind was Melanie hon. Olivia and Emma are not ready, John and Owen and I are frozen in time. We haven't moved an inch from the previous photo.

They're still not ready. Our poses are still frozen in time.


Lindsey's threading the needle, Carlie thinks she's on Broadway and Whitney thinks she's in a magazine shoot.

There's lots happening in this one picture but the Gmaw isn't ready for any of it. The group in the front is posing but don't miss the 3 chicks on the right in the back, having their own moment.

Carlie's doing itsy bitsy spider? I don't know. And Whitney? I REALLY don't know. Grandma is shocked at something off camera.

Everyone's still aware of the camera except Grandma. Now there are only 2 1/2 chicks at the back on the right.

Now that I think of it, I don't know where Whitney was during the altercation in the rafters. Looks like it could have been her starting a fight with all that tude.

Olivia's photo bombing moment....nice.

The business majors.

Carlie then found Whitney trying to sneak into the "business majors only" photo and a domestic altercation ensued. Caitlin looks trapped and stunned.

Others began to horn in. Carlie now had lots of shoving to do.

Still shoving....Mollie's using the distraction to take over the pic.


Not quite finished yet.

No shame shame.

I give up.

Because it never ends.


SOOOOO proud of themselves.

I look snooty and the only one that ruined an otherwise good picture.....sigh.

Whitney's trying to cause another ruckus! Look at that! I bet it WAS her fighting as the ceremony began.

Changing focus, Emma was ready for some cheese.

But there's Whitney again. Heaven's to Betsy.

She was like the Where's Waldo of the grad day.

Caitlin's thinking no way is she gonna steal my thunder.

But I'm not so sure about that.

Finally, Carlie's pleased with herself because she took some time to tie an unsuspecting Whitney to a chair.

But she chewed through the ropes in order to photo bomb more pics.

And again.

Billie was working on her facial expressions.....this wasn't it.

Or this one Caitlin.

I'm exhausted......

The end.


COCO said...

The pic of Carlie attempting to strangle Whitney is an accurate portrayal of what it is like to live in the yellow house on Oliver. Classic. Great pics Lisa! I know photo blogs are a pain in the...well, you know...but they are always SO fantastic!

gnar car said...

omg it's all so hilarious.

I LOVVVEE in the pic sequence of dale, me, moll, and cait...we ALL have camera ready smiles despite the "altercation."

i agree court about the accurate portrayal. hahahha. so funny!!!