Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Caitlin's Graduation Day

Caitlin's graduation was a complete success with the usual amount of pageantry as well as pomp and circumstance. This graduation began like all the others with Melanie, Olivia and I arriving early to secure seats for the whole group. The practice of saving seats is a stressful one for sure as proved by what happened just as the "big stick of knowledge" was making its entrance, but more about that later. The big stick's actual name is the mace, (I like my name better) and according to stuff I found online this is its significance...

"Originally a weapon of combat, the mace is said to have been developed around 12,000 BC. The macebearer is a much more recent phenomenon. The position is derived from medieval times in Europe, when the mace was carried by a bodyguard to protect the king from would-be attackers. Over the centuries, the mace has come to represent the academic authority of colleges and is now used ceremonially as a symbol of office. It is traditionally carried by a distinguished faculty member preceding the president."

Even though I didn't write the stuff you just read regarding the big stick, I'll not be sourcing it. This ain't no research paper.

Back to the story of graduation, as we watched and waited for the ceremony to begin, I used the time wisely and people watched and quickly became mesmerized by a certain woman's pants. I think I shall never forget them. Her job appeared to be helping handicapped people find a place to sit and with that in mind, maybe her thought was, "I'll wear something really eye catching." If so, she hit that big. She was wearing black and white LARGE striped pants. LARGE, 5 to 6 inches wide. She looked like a jail bird on her bottom half. Back in the day before orange jumpsuits became the fashion for prisoners, she would've fit right in. I was unable to keep from following the pants wherever they went. But after some time, Emma slapped me out of my "pants trance" (she had noticed them as could you not!?) and we both surmised the lady went shopping alone and therefore had no one to politely tell her, "DON"T DO IT!!" So she did. It was a really bad look and I'm so disappointed that I never thought to take a picture of the terrible pants.

The pre-ceremony picture of people awaiting the arrival of the graduates.

During the time before the ceremony begins, graduates can come and visit with their family before they have to be in their processional spot. Caitlin took this time to finish getting dressed. These are her cords for honor societies and cum laud. When Whitney saw her French honor cords were red, white and blue, she said, "You should wear this on the 4th of July!"

Still getting ready for the ceremony.

Gotta love and wear the hat. I really do love it.

She's all ready now. Looking good Cait

These are some of the seat holders. Owen and Emma are late arrival seat holders. Melanie was the first to get there and hold seats. Remember it's a dangerous job holding seats for late arrivers.

Lauren and Caitlin in their processional positions. It's almost time to start.

Sissys taking a pic together.

Another cute pic of the grad.

Most everyone has now arrived and taken possession of their seats. The stress level has now lowered.

Still waiting, Bill took the time to use his witty ways to amuse Carlie.

The next graduates.

More waiting.

Cute girlies.

Lydia in the blue, holding seats for her peeps and the Gmaw.

The waiting eventually passed, and when the place was packed out to the rafters, and about 6 seconds before the big stick made its entrance, Billie June arrived with Jared. They made it RIGHT BEFORE the pres walked in. That's the absolute truth. This is the area where the pants were most of the time. Ugh....if only she'd been in the frame. The stripes were HUGE.

The administration has been informed that Billie has arrived, and therefore we can now begin.

So, the order of peeps entering goes like this: big stick, pres, faculty and lastly the graduates. I took a pic of the big stick but sadly it was far too blurry to pass muster. The moment the big wigs began their entrance, something new and unique took place in the cheap seats. Suddenly, we heard a commotion and all eyes were drawn to an area directly across from us but still pretty far away. And there in the rafters of the coliseum, we saw two screaming women, fists reared back, ready to throw punches. I'm not EVEN kidding. We later found out the women were fighting over seats being saved! Gadzooks! It could have been us! See what I mean when I say seat saving is stressful? People can get mean real quick like. AND, because I was rubber necking, I nearly missed the entrance of the big stick of knowledge! I would have been so ticked. Even though the incident could have been quite interesting to see played out, I managed to refocus on the more important reason for being there. Somehow, no idea how, the situation was quickly diffused, and the graduates and faculty found their seats without further incident. It was a new and different way to start the ceremony for reals.

John coming in with the faculty.

The graduates are filing in. LOVE THIS PART!

Graduates are in their places.

Podium peeps are in place, let the diploma giving begin!

Then, introductions, acknowledgements and speeches were made, a little too long I might add, and finally, we got to the good part, the diploma giving! YAY! And because each and every hard working student deserves his or her moment in the sun, 863 names were called and 863 people got what they came for. It is an accomplishment that can never be taken away, and I was happy for all 863 of them. I love a graduation and the celebration of accomplishment.

Caitlin just after receiving her college diploma! YAY again!

I love this picture a lot.

After the marching out was completed, we met back in the coliseum for a photo taking session.

I made a mistake in an earlier post when I said this was John's first time to walk in a graduation ceremony as a faculty member, he actually did once before many years ago. And even though this was his second, clearly it was the most special to date, as evidenced by this picture of the proud dad with his daughter.

Super proud parents with our first college graduate.

All my kiddos. I love these people.

Grandma with one of her many college grad grandchildren.

Lindsey and Bill still holding their seats. Hey guys....IT'S OVER, you can let them go.

Three of the four.

Lauren graduated in dental hygiene. YAY for you Lauren! Her sweet parents thought of flowers. I DID NOT. Sorry Cait Lee B.

Billie with some of her grands.

My family.

Sissys and cousins.

And again.

It's almost a wrap.

Love this pic as well.

Just a few more photos.

One more with the gmaw.

What a great day we had with our family. This milestone will forever be a sweet memory and will forever live in my heart. I know I've said it so many times before, but I can't believe our kids are grown and the oldest is starting her next phase of life. If I could slow it down a bit, I think I might give it a try.

Slow motion for real life might just be awesome.

Congratulations to our Caitlin Bess on a job well done.

And here's to great things ahead.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Love Mom

1 comment:

gnar car said...

fabulous post.

one thing, am i the only one that feels slightly uncomfortable with the bill/me pic where bill is looking at me with a slight smile and i'm's kinda like that pic that steph took of me holding addison and austin is talking to addison and i'm smiling so brightly...we looked like a couple.

i always take awkward photos with the fam! it's weird!