Friday, May 20, 2011

A few things about this week

At this moment I've never been sleepier in my life. This morning was the award's assembly at Owen's school, so John and I went to see if he was gonna get stuff. Olivia gets points for going as the supportive sissy. It matters not if I have to wake up early on any given morning, my body will not cooperate the night before and let me go to sleep so that I won't be sleepy at early events. Last night, at best I got 4 hours of sleep, so the rest of the day may be tough after a 12 second nap.

The three of us sat in the balcony of the auditorium, or what some people might call the Arctic circle. We were so busy huddling together in order to try to generate some warmth, we almost couldn't focus. We did not succeed. By the time we left, we were shivering as if we'd faced the elements with no muck lucks. Hello people! I think we might save some tax dollars by turning the air up from deep freaking freeze. It was brutal. Then, from our perch up north, we watched as students misbehaved and did much cat calling until the Dean of Students, Coach Rankins, took matters into his own hands and gave them a healthy tongue lashing and then said, and I quote, "You're gonna pay." YIKERS! He's scary! Anyway, he and the principal seemed to be in somewhat of a cranky mood, possibly due to a negative incident at last night's graduation.

Anyway, I'd like to say Owen left with plenty of hardware....because it sounds better than he left with lots of papers.....but he left with lots of papers. It was a great year for the boy, and even though I really did expect the worst from his public school experience, not one day did he ever say he hated it, or the decision to attend the school. A MAY ZING to me. He knocked it out of the park all by himself, and I couldn't be prouder of his accomplishment. He got minimal help from anyone and worked his tail off the whole year. I'm sure after next week, he'll collapse for about 3 days, and I'll find him in the living room mesmerized by the Xbox surrounded by dozens of used glasses and plates.

In other news, Caitlin and I found out yesterday that Cade, the child unfamiliar with tongue etiquette, is moving to Florida. Sigh. It hurts my heart to think I'll probably never see him again. Which means I'll never know as he grows older, if he'll put into practice Caitlin's tongue etiquette lessons, or if he'll continue to lick things and people until he ends up with a good old fashioned butt whooping for reals because he finally licked the wrong Bubba on the wrong day. Even though he has questionable licking issues, I'm gonna miss that little boy....much more than my dear daughter. Many times last week he would randomly tell me, "Happy Mudder's Day." LONGER SIGH.

The countdown to Caitlin's graduation ceremony is down to one more sleep. The counting sleeps method was implemented many years ago when our kids were little and they asked multi times, "How much longer?" til vacations, Christmas, birthdays and any event that children drove us crazy about. Tomorrow we'll see our daughter graduate officially. Another neat thing about this ceremony is for the first time ever, John will walk in the ceremony as a faculty member, and it just so happens that his first time will be at Caitlin's grad. I'm happy about that.

On a final note, I watched the finale of The Mentalist last night, because I was in the room and Caitlin was watching it. I tend to stay away from all gory blood and guts TV shows. I HATE BLOOD AND GUTS. BUT, because there was this whole mystery "red John" person, I got sucked in. Well, as we were watching and discussing and making our predictions about who the bad guy was, I ended up being totally right! And at the end of the show when I was humanely yelling at the TV for the good guy to shoot the bad guy, because he was taunting the good guy, Caitlin said, "He (the good guy) never carries a gun." And as her words were still hanging in the air as if in a cartoon bubble, BOOM! The guy who never carries a gun, shot the bad guy. At which point I declared I could write this crap as good as the people already in Hollywood. After a bad night's sleep and with the light of the morning, I've decided against a move to the west coast. I don't trust California as a whole regardless of how lovely it is. I'd like to visit, just not take up residence there. Besides, if I got famous, and hired a housekeeper named Mildred, John might end up with the inevitable "love child" and then the next thing you know, the person who never carries a gun (that would be me), would find herself in the vicinity of John and then people would hear something go, BOOM!

And that's why I'm not in Hollywood.

Mildred? Really?


Unknown said...

Loved this whole blog including the new font!!!

Becky said...

hahahaha - you are so good. Laughed a lot and the font, well, I went to get my glasses 'cause things seemed fuzzy and what? I already had them on - cute but maybe a split vote.... Love that John and Caitlin are walking firsts together! Way to go Awesome O!