Friday, May 13, 2011

Thoughts on a Friday

In the last two days at GAP (after school program) I've heard this phrase from Caitlin to a 3 year old multiple times, "Where does your tongue belong?" Also, "What should your tongue touch?" (The answer was supposed to be food.) Another one was, "Are you supposed to lick the see saw?" It's amused me IMMENSELY as I sat nearby and listened to this conversation between her and a cute little boy named Cade. He seemed interested in learning the uses of his tongue as he listened to her lecture intently. Within minutes after the lesson on tongue etiquette, he promptly licked a kid on the arm as well as a section of the monkey bars. After MORE discussion with Cade about the uses of his 3 year old tongue, a frustrated and grossed out Caitlin released him from time out once again. I then told her, "Since you're leaving the child care field, that should be the last time you ever have to ask those questions at work."

Yesterday, Caitlin and Emma had the following conversation about newborn children. Caitlin felt that new babies usually look as if they need more "cooking time" in the first few days after birth, and then Emma chimed in and said that newborns are a lot like baking cookies. They look OK when they come out of the oven, but it's better if you let them sit and puff out a little before they are ready. It all made perfect sense to both of them.

We're continuing the Charlie's Angels watching and much to our delight, it's still so bad it's fantastic.

Olivia's taking her last final of the semester at this very moment and then summer officially begins for her. Owen's closing in on the end and then it's vegging and summer baseball time.

Extreme couponing is so out of control I almost have no words. I just don't understand why you need 300 bottles of Ragu sauce, 400 bottles of energy drink or 5oo razors. And why do they have to do all the buying at one time and therefore cause the crashing of the computer? I can't imagine ever telling John we have to go shopping for groceries and, "oh by the way" it will require dumpster diving, spread sheets, a 40 hour work week and then 6 hours In THE STORE. And yet as I watch the register count down to the final number, I find myself holding my breath to see if it's really gonna happen.

We've now gone from Extreme Couponing to Sister Wives. It just proves crazy people are still filling up the world everywhere, but they now all have their own TV shows!

I on the other hand, am completely and rationally sane at all times. Just ask John. He knows the only correct answer to that question is, "Lisa is the most sane, non crazy, rational person I've ever met, and no conversations in the last three hours would ever give me reason to come to any other conclusion."

The end.

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