Sunday, January 9, 2011

The sad ice cream story

I forgot one very important event from the scary scary night in the previous post. Many times in my past, Chinese food has been just as scary for me as a scary scary night. Let's just say it doesn't always "agree" with my tummy so as a precaution after we ate Pei Wei, I insisted we find something cold and creamy in order to ensure soothing the tum tum. I WANTED ICE CREAM! So Melanie goggled a Baskin Robbins....YUM....and we were off in search of the deliciousness.

Thirty minutes later after we had driven down street after street after street, we were becoming increasingly discouraged thinking we might never find the happiness we sought. Suddenly out of nowhere in a back street that looked like crack ally, we accidentally ran across it!. We had ALMOST missed it! We almost missed our promised treat! It was so exciting! We had finally found the object of our affections.

We sent the girls in to get the cream. We waited with anticipation. It was going to be soooo good. Chocolate chip and pralines and cream. UMMMMM. Then, we got the devastating news. They had neither of our flavors! They had like 2 kinds of ice cream and no freaking spoons and I'm not even kidding. The ice cream store had NO SPOONS. And where the heck were the other flavors? BR is supposed to have 31 flavors. We were desperate for more flavors. This place was masquerading as a Baskin Robbins! It was all a bad dream on a scary night. We both had to "settle" for something else, World class chocolate to be exact.

I'm not quite over it yet.

I still relive it occasionally.

Maybe someday I'll stop remembering the horror.

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