Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The snowstorm of January 1982

A few weeks ago I found these pictures of the snowstorm of 1982. I remember this storm delayed the start of school by a week because we got at least 6 inches and the weather stayed so cold that the snow lasted a long time. This is an example of what I mean when I say I want the snow to come, stay for a few days and then leave. It really can wear out its welcome. But even so, we are ALWAYS so excited to see falling snow in this part of the world. I'd love to have a couple of snow days this year but I'm not getting my hopes up. At this point in winter if all we have to look forward to is cold weather with no flakes, then I'm ready for spring.

These photos are from way back in the day when our restaurant was still open, and I don't care if 6 feet of snow fell in 2 hours, that place NEVER lost electricity, therefore we opened no matter what. If the only transportation was snow shoes, then we trudged to get there. But, at least on this afternoon, we enjoyed being together and watching the lovely snow falling at our house. This was a rare occasion on both counts, us at home together during the day....and snow.

Randy looks happy with what's happening.

Like woah Billie....what is the deal with the hair? You need to tame that wild beast.

I on the other hand am looking stylish and stunning in my dusty pink down jacket and coordinating scarf and hat.

Oops somebody almost busted it on film.

Yep, it's definitely the 80's cause Carrie's rocking that decade in the purple fake fur jacket with shoulder pads that have their own time zone. Topping her ensem with a cream sock hat....she's looking good as well.

Group shot: Melanie, Randy (freezing because Melanie's wearing his mummy coat), Carrie, Mom and Dad. Billie found something to hide that hair. Get a good look at this people. BJ's wearing a sock hat. Never before....never again.

Carrie's working it. Melanie's still mummified.

Oh my goodness it's so pretty.

I mean lots of strange things are happening in this photo. 1. Billie's still wearing a sock hat but she needs to tuck the rest of that hair up in it. 2. She's out by the canal. This may be the only time I ever saw her at the back of the house. 3. She's not at the restaurant during the day and the world's still turning. It's all freaking me out.

Another picture of myself in the snow.

Anything can look beautiful with a covering of snow.

As far as I know this is the closest Billie ever got to the canal. She wasn't one for hanging out back there ever. On the other hand, when we were kids we spent much time in the canal looking for stuff and things. It didn't disappoint with snakes and fish and tadpoles and hiding places under the bridge.

Now some artistic photos.

We've moved to the backyard where Randy's making snowballs. Looks like trouble. But also notice how many trees are in the yard and how small they are. At the present time, there's only about 3 total.

Looks like Carrie's getting some ammo for a snowball fight with Randy.

These are the best snowstorms. We need one sooner than later.

Dale and Lydia walked to our house from their house on Eason. I distinctly remember Lydia trying to hit me with a snowball. She did not succeed.

When icy conditions occur, the first thing the news people say is stay home. All we want to do is drive around and see all the lovely sights.

The next few pictures were taken on Island Drive.

This photo was taken from our bedroom window at night. I love the silent night that comes with snow. I can still remember the sound of a night blanketed with snow. It's the most lovely memory


Unknown said...

I've never seen these pics or heard the story!! So fun and that has never happened again! Even the snow last year wasn't this good. Lame!!

Anonymous said...

AND I was pregnant WITH YOU Lindsey (in reference to Lins comment) and Lydia was pregnant with Jared. I was 5 months preggers and you can't tell cause of the mummy jacket but I remember it like yesterday...where does time go?

Emma said...

Oh my gosh, Grandma's hair is frightening.
I love the new pic that the top of the page! Super pretty!