Saturday, January 8, 2011

Durham on a foggy freaky night

So, after Pei Wei on Saturday evening we decided to go explore the Durham area a little more. Apparently after 14 hours in the car, we hadn't had enough. We meandered through the streets for a bit and finally made our way back to the deserted Duke campus. Now, as I mentioned before, it was rainy and foggy during most of the trip so when we saw those Gothic buildings in the dark and foggy night, they were looking mighty freaky. The fog had enveloped the buildings and it was swirling around in the night sky and it all made for a setting worthy of a Hitchcock movie. We drove back to the chapel and when we rounded the corner, it all made for an amazing sight to behold. There were spotlights on the enormous spires atop the chapel and shining straight into the sky. Because of the fog it looked like the spires reached to the sky and touched it! The night sky had an eerie orange hue to it. I'm saying it was FREAKY....memorable....but FREAKY!

Even though this picture is blurry, it paints a great picture of the night.

See the color of the night sky? It was so weird looking.

These are a combination of Melanie's pictures and mine. This place is so beautiful. Especially on a foggy freaky night.

We rode back to Cameron Indoor Stadium and the Duke girls got out and walked around a bit.

And that's when they discovered this sign. This is where people set up tents beginning in January in order to be in line for buying tickets to the upcoming games. They sort of live in the tents for weeks at a time. Cameron only holds about 9500 people so it's first come first serve. I would NEVER be one of these people. I do believe 2 of my 3 daughters would well as Maggie.

I'm thinking Emma would not.

Although the girl loves a photo op.

They continued to have a blast wherever we went.

So when we finished our riding around, we were headed out of the campus and came to a red light. As we were sitting there, and another car was sitting across from us, we saw this man walking down the street in our direction. Because of the fog and the dark night, we could only see his silhouette as he came closer to us. It made it all look much more creepy. We could see he was carrying something in his hands. The light seemed to take FOREVER to change and the closer he got, the freakier it got because we were just sitting there and he was coming right for us! OK, he wasn't really coming right for us but he was walking towards our direction....and it was foggy... Anyway, we finally saw that he was carrying crutches! I don't really know why that deserved an exclamation point but I thought about it for a sec and decided it did. It's gets curiouser and curiouser as to why he was carrying crutches near the Duke campus on a rainy foggy night in January 2011....and he wasn't even limping.....surely we'll never know the story. Who carries crutches down a dark street at night in the middle of nowhere? An ax murderer that's who! OK that made absolutely no sense at all but I decided it was worthy of adding.

So to sum up:
It was a dark, foggy freaky night.
We were in a locked car.
The light took forever to change to green means go.
The ax murderer was walking down the street towards us.
He was carrying crutches.
I had to decide if I would run a red light in front of the car across from us if the scary man got to close to us.
I in no way believe if he knew there was a car full of 7 women sitting there watching him walk down the street he would have tried to do anything but throw down his crutches and run as far and as fast as he could in the opposite direction of us.

But I'm just sayin it was super super freaky!

I shall never forget it as long as I live.

This is the end to one of the scariest nights I ever survived.

OK that's not really true either but everything that's questionable in this post sounded really really good in my head.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The orange sky is TOTALLY freaky!!! And crutch man was so up to no good!!!