Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunday in NC

Sunday in NC was a huge day for us. There were six people going to two basketball games at two campuses using one car and one person to navigate it all. That would be me. Last year when this same scenario played out and I was driving then as well, I got lost. While Melanie and Carlie stood on a street corner in the dark and cold drizzle, I worked my way to them using Google maps while driving. It wasn't good. But this time it was in the the light of day with lovely weather, and thankfully I found my way back to them much easier.

Let me tell you how the day began.

First on the agenda for me was to attend church services at Duke Chapel with Caitlin. And let me say once again, I'm still not mature enough to attend a VERY formal church service.....or any formal event for that matter. And even though I knew this going in, it was still extremely difficult to behave in the looonnggg pay attention and don't laugh about anything service. Now, I really am a regular church goer. And I really do behave.....for the most part....but my church is anything but formal. And we don't "sing" any answers in our church. That's HUGE for my behavior. And the Duke service was very reminiscent of the Catholic church I attended as I grew up and I gotta say, I haven't missed it. And that's not a slam at anyone's choice of worship, I just gotta go with what I know. And what I love. But the biggest disappointment of the morning was that even though this church has the HUGE pipe organ in the chapel, they used a smaller one down front along with some other instruments as well. One of the reasons I was even willing to go was to hear the pipe organ in all its glory on Sunday morning. So, it was disappointing to say the least. I'm glad I went with her, but once again I know my being old lady singing badly nearby. Just remember, God loves me in spite of me, but I'm not sure He's all that proud of my church behavior. In fact now that I think about it, my church behavior may be a topic of discussion when I get to heaven. One last thing that left me nonplussed that day was when I heard the pastor's name. Wait for it......Pastor Meghan. If the name Meghan's now gonna be a pastor's name, then I've officially joined the land of the old people. Meghan a pastor? Mary Kate a physician's assistant? (John's nurse from the hospital.) Too young! Too young I say! Sigh......

Now even with my church behavior issues I know pictures during a church service would be completely unacceptable. But, I found the next few that I hadn't posted and so I am now! However, NONE of the people in these photos other than Caitlin went to church! So they get no credit for attending.

This was from our first day in the chapel. Two photobombers in the background.

Cute pic of Emma without bombers.

Olivia looks curious and cute.

So after the super long 8 hour church service, we were off and running on our busy day. And here's how it went. I dropped Caitlin off at a mall so she could shop, then I went back to the hotel where I tag teamed the car to Melanie who then took Carlie and Maggie to the UNC campus where Carlie went to the basketball museum and Maggie went to their planetarium, even though Maggie has an aversion to all things UNC. Melanie then came back to the hotel where we were awaiting her arrival in order to take her back to UNC so she and Carlie could go to the game. Emma, Olivia and I picked Maggie up and then we fetched Caitlin from the mall. The five of us went to eat at Bojangles and then I drove Caitlin, Emma, Olivia and Maggie to Duke so they could attend the game. Then I successfully found my way back to the UNC campus to fetch Melanie and Carlie after their game. The three of us went back to the hotel to wait for the Duke game to end, so we could pick up the four Duke basketball attendees. Then it was off in search for food, which was a disaster. Due to the fact it was New Year's Day, lots of places were closed , so after many attempts to get a good meal, we made multi stops to satisfy multi appetites and palates. Those places included Bojangles again, Dickies Barbecue and Appleby's. And, I don't remember when we actually did finally get ice cream....but we did. At some point in the trip, out of desperation, we went to a grocery store to purchase our cold and creamy confections. But I have no idea when or where that happened.

I'll now tell the story of the day in pictures, so here we go.

Carlie's in the hotel lobby waiting with what looks like GREAT anticipation for her bball game.

Maggie looks scary.

The UNC pre-game warm up.

Coach Roy Williams.

This lady was in serious need of some UNC paraphernalia.

Roy having a confab with the players.

This boy had time to do the electric slide.

This match up doesn't' look fair

Melanie made friends with the mascot.

Someone in this photo looks worried about his privates. You figure it out.

Then it was time for the Duke game.

This person's climbing into the announcer's booth. How do the old guys get up there?

Coach K.

Another confab.

I bet it stinks in that huddle.

After wins from both teams, it was time for a food run. These people look as if the food finding was gonna be sooooo easy.

It soon became apparent it was not.

Stop your whining, you can always eat cheese and crackers. Maggie's thinking, Donner party of 6 please.

Then, they had hope when the saw the big yellow arches in the sky.

Nope it was closed also. Maggie's shining the light on her hunger. She's scaring me right now.

In the end, don't feel sorry for the peeps. Maggie didn't eat anybody, and all people got some kind of food after they'd already feasted on plenty of basketball. After the wagon train ended, we went home to our hotel one last time in anticipation of a 4:20am wake up call. Because FINALLY, after visiting NC for one month, we were going home.

Questions and answers for the next post will be......did Carlie make it to the airport on time? Did we go back to the hotel and sleep til noon and then start trekking back to Louisiana? Did we have one last boberry biscuit for old times sake? Did we eat more ice cream?

I guess you'll just have to come back another day to see what happens.

But for now, it's ova.


gnar car said...

omg why am i laughing so hard at my own face???

and i also laughed at your exposition of who picked up who to take someone there at this time etc etc...great work. dedication.

Anonymous said...

great documentation!!!!