Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Raleigh NC

On our previous trip to NC, we never went to Raleigh so this time, on Saturday afternoon we drove there to have a first look. What we found was tons of people crowding downtown for something called First Night Raleigh which is a festival celebrating the new year. The night culminated at midnight with the dropping of an big acorn from a huge crane. We were long gone before the dropping. What we did find while we were there was lots of Victorian homes in the downtown area. Of course we took many photos.

It's as if Meet Me in St. Louis could Meet Me in Raleigh. Doesn't sound as good though.

Big pretty homes near downtown.

Love this one.

Seriously meet me here.

I mean really.

Then we found this neat looking red building with lots of wrought iron.

And a beautiful golden tree.

And who knew this? I didn't. I guess this is what you call humble beginnings.

Then we rode by a natural history museum as well as a huge Ferris wheel. Some of our peeps wanted to go to the museum, some wanted to ride the Ferris wheel and some wanted to sit in the car. So we did the drop off for them accordingly and then the car dwellers found a parking spot which had a view of something incredibly huge and silver. The car dwellers took an ever so short tiny minor nap. And when we awoke, we had a scathingly brilliant idea about the large silver thing nearby.

Caitlin and Olivia, the Ferris wheel people, were unsuccessful in their attempt due to the incredibly long line.

They soon gave up their quest to ride the very large circle to the sky and puke off the top. At least I think that's what would've happened. Again I love the walking while someone's taking your picture and they don't know it.


This is where our brilliant idea came into play. Now just about everyone's probably seen those optical illusions pictures where people look like they're holding the sun or something equally as huge. Well, we thought we'd try to do the same. With a highly anticipated result.

Here's Caitlin and Olivia's multi attempts.

No matter the angle...

Or the semi squatting....

Or the distance....

They couldn't pull it off.....

But they get a low C for effort.

Then here comes Emma and Maggie, just a walking down the street singing, "Do wa diddy, diddy dum diddy do." Anyway....

We decide to use them and give it one more try.

Maggie's trying to keep the ball from falling over, while Emma's still getting into position.

Ummmmm, that's a no for this attempt as well.

Now Maggie's trying to hold up the building and not so much the silver ball. Emma's may be as good as we get.

This is very close....

To any epic fail.....

Even through the windshield.

I wish we could have recorded the instruction that was being yelled to them as well as the convulsing laughter as these pictures were taken. It was seriously some funny stuff. We'll just have to be satisfied with our effort for now. BUT! This isn't over yet! I will try and try and try again until I accomplish this feat!

Well, maybe.

I'm off to herd kids again and then if the rain holds off, it's a baseball game in the country. Updates will be coming on how it went.


1 comment:

gnar car said...

omg best ever still. laughed so hard when we were getting olivia and caitlin to do it because it wasn't because we wanted a cool pic, we just wanted them to look dumb to people around. like why are these random girls squatting and holding there arms up? hahahahhah