Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Duke Chapel

The weather on this year's NC trip was beautiful the whole time with blue skies as a pretty backdrop for Duke chapel. Sunshine was a much welcomed gift as we retraced many of our steps from last year. I think building churches like this one is a thing of the past, so I think it's a treasure. The following photos are a combination of Emma, Melanie and myself. I'm so glad we have three photographers to capture as much as we can! Have a look at our afternoon in and around Duke chapel.

The long drive leading up to the chapel was lovely in the afternoon sunshine.

Sunshine was so pretty on the buildings!

This is a building nearby the chapel.

This area is lined with buildings. It's one of my favorite places on the campus.

Emma going to the chapel.

Lovely stained glass inside made for beautiful afternoon photos.

So we took lots.

Emma took these next few that you see here.

Her eye for photography is so different from mine. And I love it!

This is another shot somewhere inside the chapel.

This is very simple, but fabulous.

And this.

This is the last of Emma's "artsy" pics.

Documenting the peeps this year. Carlie was still in Louisiana on this day.

Oops, Olivia scooted off somewhere.

The pipe organ was playing while we were in the chapel, and it was AMAZING. I'll never forget how lovely it was. I need to get me one of these for the house.

It's worth another shot.

Because of the lovely music playing, we had a seat and tried to take it all in. The detail in this place is incredibly beautiful. It's worth two trips to see.

Love this shot of the girlies with the Poinsettias in the background. I CANNOT believe I just spelled poinsettia correctly on the first attempt. I'm so proud of myself!

Melanie took this photo of the ceiling. Everywhere we looked, there was something beautiful to see.

Cute pic of Melanie and Olivia.

Love this pic of me and my girls.

And this one of Maggie and Melanie.

After exploring every nook and cranny of this place, we finally pried ourselves away and took off for other parts of the city.

Up next? Stay tuned to see if I can make this even a little interesting. I'm not sure I can.


Caitlin said...

Mom, you forgot to discuss the very lovely church service we attended there! I know you were on the verge of conversion!

gnar car said...

can't wait till i make my grand entrance into this storyyyyyyy!

loved the stained glass windows.