Friday, December 2, 2011

Happenings from the Fall months

Thanksgiving has come and gone and I have a Christmas tree in my house. I could so freak out right now. We are hurtling towards the end of the year and 2012 is RIGHT THERE! I can't focus on it too much or I'll go a little crazy.

Two whole months have passed and a lot of really insignificant stuff has happened over that time, so in order to update everyone I've decided to do a photo journal of what's taken place. As long as there are phones with cameras, there will be the need to document the cute, the silly, the unbelievable and the people wearing their pj's to the grocery store. I personally consider that kind of happening AWESOME! So, the following things all occurred this fall. I'll not be giving exact dates. Who would care anyway? I'm the only one that knows what order they should go in. And to be honest, I'll be a bit freaked if they're out of order. So, let's revisit what's been going on here at home and abroad.....well, not abroad cause I didn't go there. I just like the way it sounded. Here we go.

Caitlin, Emma, Olivia and I went to the giant flower and veggie store. Where Emma became a poser/model with all the stuff.

These sunflowers were pretty good looking for being big fakers.

This huge pumpkin is bizarro looking.

And either both of those pumpkins are fake or Emma's got some MAJOR muscles. Sorry Emma, but I'm going with the fakeness.

Then she saw the huge corn. HUGE. And then she was overcome....

With hunger. This photo cracks me up.

With each fall so comes football season. I attended more football games this year than I have in the last 30. I'm now an expert and certain I could take a team to the super bowl. Emma, who received a press pass to take photos from the sidelines, took all of these pictures. She did an excellent job.

Me, Owen and John in our seats. Some of these people look calm and collected...they WERE NOT....they acted a fool many times. I on the other hand kept my cool at all times. I also must check John's pulse several times during the game because at ANY event we attend, he's as silent as the grave. If you don't recognize that quote, it's from the movie Sense and Sensibility.

Ace the mascot and Emma are friends.

This guy decided to do the hokey pokey in the middle of the game. Tell me he didn't just take his right foot out?

Boys love a group hug on the football field. It's like the ONLY acceptable place for such a thing.

This shot is my favorite. High fiving in the air while also on the big screen in the background. EGGSALENT.

A lovely pic of the campus from atop the library.

A cute pic taken of Emma and Olivia at a tailgate event before a football game.

Swander baby bump was growing.

During the last few months, Milo the cat vacillated between exhaustion and hunting out new spots to explore. He looks so comfy here.

See if you can find the cat. He's in the pic.

I suspect Caitlin put him in here. She and he still aren't friends.

This time I think he was looking for something.

But then he got exhausted again.

Then after he rested, he went outside looking for hiding places from Addy.

He found a couple.

Every morning Owen checks a news website to see what's for lunch at school. This particular morning was especially disturbing to him and so he left me the note seen below. Last year he ate at school every day. Now, a year older and wiser, he asks for me to bring his lunch quite regular like. Cafeteria food is not so yum.

In October the little girls came to town and we were all treated to an all access pass to a few places like football fields....

And skyboxes.

Ava has an all access pass to adorableness. OMG.

This photo reminded Olivia of the hallway on our cruise ship. All cruise people in the family knows the quote to which I'm referring. This isn't a quote from me....although I can understand how some might think it was. "This a long *** hallway"

Evidence of an elevator full of interlopers.

Maggie and Emma went to a wedding and got all fancy dressed up. Yes I know their feet are cut off and you'll never know what shoes they wore. It was a terrible mistake.

Austin jumped in for a frame.

We also went to visit the Clydesdales, Maggie and Harley at the farm.

Cute pic of Ava.

And another.

Caitlin getting cheeky with Harley.

Ella giving Harley a rubdown.

There were dozens of butterflies buzzing around these lovely zinnias. Emma took these and they are beautiful.

We wanted to get some action shots of Harley and Maggie running down the road. Love love love these photos.

Then we went back and had fun in the yard and finished up with a major dance party. Maya, who's multilingual and can cut quite a rug as well, took this time to do an Irish jig.

Check it out.

Maddie having a quiet moment.

Maisy the lap dog and Maya arguing over who's the better dancer.

This may or may not be a mouth full of sugary confection.

Meanwhile Addy continued her streak of closed eye shots. She has more closed eye shots than any animal I've ever known.

When she wasn't blinking in pics, she was hiding from Owen when he was looking for her to give her a bath. After looking for her all over the house, he found her here. Addy detests a bath. She wants to hang on to her stink and dirt.

At our first parent teacher night of the year at Owen's school, we were standing in line and I saw the most unbelievable pair of square toed shoes. These were not boots and they were not cool. They were awful. IF this offends you in any way because your husband has a pair of these in his closet, let me say to you right now, it's time to let them go. THEY ARE HIDEOUS.

Also more importantly, Owen's first 9 weeks of this year he earned straight A's again. I'm so proud and grateful for his hard work and dedication. I'm not even gonna pretend he inherited it from me.

My daughter Emma had more than one published article in the campus newspaper, The Hawkeye. Brilliant!

And growing.

As everyone knows when October rolls around so begins the Halloween displays popping up all over town. This wiseacre decided to buy every Halloween blow up ever known to man and proceeded to lose his edit button and filled his yard with this ridiculousness. It's an incredible display for reals.

It's as if all of Halloween came along and collectively threw up on this lawn. I hate this "holiday." Why would anyone want to hang a huge demon from their tree....which I've seen in town....just so you can scare the begezez out of little children.......and me. I hate Halloween. My blog. My opinion. But I'm right.

One morning I came into the den and found our 3 pets had taken over the furniture. They look pretty stressed about me having a place to sit. NONE of them moved voluntarily. Notice old lady Rosie has my spot and she doesn't give it up without a silent argument.


As is this.

We took a girls' trip to Dallas where we found Burberry for little boys. OMG!

I found a UT Santa. I didn't buy him.

That same weekend Caitlin, Emma and Carlie went to Lafayette to go to a football game and found the time to be goobers.

Carrie and Becky recreated the goober pic by being goobers themselves. I'd say they nailed it.

Someone creamed our church sign and killed it dead.

One night on the way home from Sam's, Olivia, John and I were treated to the traveling Oscar Mayer wienermoblie.

That's one impressive auto.

Gotta love a wienermobile. See? It says wienermoblie right on the front in case someone questions the authenticity.

A group of us went to Bastrop to shop at a hunting store where Olivia and Maggie got all muck lucked up. Caitlin now owns the jacket Maggie's wearing in the photo and is considering a bid to be a spokesperson for The North Face. She's now a proud owner and true believer of the product.

One late afternoon as Thanksgiving approached, Addy became reflective and pondered the mysteries of life.

Owen and I picked a bounty of pecans.

Then the week of Thanksgiving was upon us and Meredith and the little girls came to town and Ava captivated as usual. I love the identical consternation on both the grown girl and the little girl's faces.

That face and that hair crack me up.

Hair reaching for the sky.

On the eve of Thanksgiving, one more grocery run had to be made and thanks to this lady, she made it a lot more interesting. Melanie saw her go in Brookshires after we dropped Carrie at the door. I didn't see her and so I had to go in to search and document this for real. Yes I know the pic is blurry but I took it on the sly as I walked past her in her housecoat and bootie slippers. How desperate or pissed do you have to be to go the the store in your nighty and houseshoes? Personally and thankfully, I've never gotten to that place. But thanks to the nameless faceless lady she did and therefore provided a laugh and a memory. It was totally worth it.

On Thanksgiving Day, with all groceries bought and accounted for, we had time for picture taking...

And silliness.

And more picture taking....

As well as decorating.....lovely.

And was delish.

And being silly. I took this picture of the girls in one room where there was giggling and talking and interacting.

Then I went into the other room where the boys were and this is what I found. They were silent. I'm talking deafening silence. There was no giggling or talking or interacting. Boys are so weird.

The day after Thanksgiving as is tradition, we went to pick our Christmas tree. These are some of the pictures I discovered on my camera when I downloaded them. They were obviously very busy whilst I was securing the tree.

This is the pic I took my camera for. There are lots of fancy sunglasses on those girls. It was obviously a glamorous tree getting.

Then the silliness ensued.

Not sure what's going on here.

Or here.

Whose that in them thar pines?

That would be Caitlin and Olivia.

And Emma.

And half an Emma face.

Owen looks happy.

I think they are having a moment of silence.

Caitlin started trying to sell trees.

But Olivia was skeptical of her prowess as a saleswoman.

Again no clue here. I don't even know who took this picture since all the usual suspects are in the photo.

Even with the silliness we were able to pick our 2011 Christmas tree and take it and the Turners' tree home.

Throughout the Thanksgiving holiday there was dispersing and reconvening for eating purposes. After all, there were turkey sandwiches to eat! And still no one's told Maisy she's not a lap dog. Don't miss Maggie peaking in at the left.

In these pics, Dale was an unwelcome guest on the couch with his family. The girls tried to tell him there was no room but sooooo surprisingly, he cared not. However, Whitney looks unaffected. Mollie looks distressed. And, we have no idea what Lydia looks like since she's hidden.

But Mollie got it together quickly when she discovered it was a photo op.

Classy. Pretty sure that's gritted teeth on Whitney and not a really bad smile.

Of course Jared had to join.

I say it's the perfect Christmas card pic!

And that my friends brings us to the present. I'm currently in the process of decorating my house inside and out. Christmas is only 3 weeks away and I'm very close to my annual freak out. It comes and goes so fast!

And once again this post took many hours and days to produce. I'll be checking for more typos tomorrow.

I'm now going to bed.

Sweet dreams to all.


gnar car said...

love it all!! and the walker pic would be SO CUTE if dale didn't have FOOD STUFFED IN HIS MOUTH!!!

Unknown said...

I feel so informed!!! Wonderful post!!!