Thursday, December 22, 2011

The reason I kept my secret

As I stated the other day I successfully made it the whole year without Whitney knowing I had her name for Christmas. Unfortunately the other night I finally had to show my hand in order to give her an early present, a Christmas ornament from New Orleans, which I happen to think is adorable.

Well that was Sunday night which gave "Missy" a few days to make a list, check it twice and go to the post office. Today in my mail, I received one thing and one thing only.

She was very thorough.

I thought I'd give you a closer look for your enjoyment.

Some of the most interesting are, high heels (all designers), plot for a vegetable garden.....which is just another way to ask for real estate.....also fresh flowers weekly. Another is, perfume and in parenthesis it says "Let Carrie pick."

Another one is, "quality time with zoo animals," which, if you think about it, and if she chose the wrong zoo animal with which to spend quality time, it'd be more like, "Whitney, we'd like to have you for lunch." Instead of, "Whitney, please come for lunch." Two TOTALLY different meanings there.

But I didn't want anyone to miss the last 2 on this page.

Notice she'd like to have a pool boy and THEN the pool.

I'll certainly give her an "A" for effort

And THAT"S why I was determined to keep my secret all year long. It was the correct decision.

It's currently two days til Christmas and my home is remaining pestilence free! I'm very thankful to God for that.

Merry Christmas to all.


Anonymous said...

O M G that's is just too much!! and that is ALL I'm saying!!

Unknown said...

So funny!!