Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Revisiting an Email from the family females

The text has not been changed in any way.
It all began with Lindsey and a discovery.

March 11-13, 2008
From Lindsey
Subject line....carlie
....IS A BIG FAT LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go ahead ask her why I would say that. Defend yourself Carlie. I dare you.

Response from Carlie
Oh my goodness.
I relent. It was a moment of desperation because I really liked those shoes.
I'm quite ashamed.


IN MY DEFENSE, I thought they were Maggie's! It's cool if I steal from her. Muah!

Hahahahahaha. That is hilarious. How did you find out about it?

Well I was an eyewitness to the whole thing and let me just say Carlie has no leg to stand on.......or shoes to stand in for that matter.......she in fact left my house bare-footed......because Lindsey took the said stolen shoes with her when she left in a HUGE the lamo story Carlie tried to pass off was (she was wearing the evidence) that the pair of black shoes she had on were hers.....and I quote....."I bought them myself!" which Lindsey replied loudly, "Those are mine!" Carlie said ......."NO NO NO...they are mine I bought them myself"......(big lie) which point Maggie enters the fray and says, "She (the little liar) got them out of my closet!" the 3 of them begin talking in a tone that only dogs can hear (VERY high pitch girly voices.....Carlie convulsing in laughter.....seemingly unfazed by the fact that she has now been branded a thief and a liar......lots of scuffling...some punches were thrown)....(not really)....Lindsey ripped the shoes off of the thief's feet....said something about going to the police.......or the potty.....not sure which and was a very good leave as she walked out indignantly with the truth on her side.....closed the door forcefully and then remembered she forgot her was all very dramatic......I enjoyed it thoroughly.....THE END

yes it is too funny that it is cool if its from Maggie.....Lin on the other hand is just pissed.....
Linny Linny Linny,,,,, put Grace and Ellie in theeerrrrrpppeeeeee those poor children... getting left over and over and over again.......
AND Carlie Carlie don't wear the evidence.....then lie....then have your poor innocent baby sister rat you out.......tisk tisk tisk......
And I totally got a visual on the play by I was there.....saw the whole thing....and even had a visual on the embellishments.......

and carlie said above that in her defense she thought they were maggies um NOOOOOOO. I asked about the shoes at my house on Sunday night and she said they were hers that she bought them at Target and then went home and told my mother and Grandma that she lied to my face. No. She has no defense. Also, i only forgot my dogs for MAYBE a millisecond. I slammed the door and walked right back in. Not too traumatic for them. It was traumatic for me. My sister lied to me. Don't trust anyone. That's my motto.

Just now checking my mail and I too had a great visual of the whole thing and laughed out loud reading it. Carlie the "perfect one" has a flaw.

Carlie was never perfect.
Not now. Not ever.

I was and still am the bestest.


Unknown said...

I am still mad deep down about that. Who knew my sister would stoop that low!! Shameful.

gnar car said...

i still miss those shoes.

Caitlin said...

Was this the very beginning of the group emails???