Thursday, June 15, 2017

The frig messages

An update on our refrigerator communicado. It's slowed down a bit since only three people are currently living here and John doesn't participate in the refrigerator messaging. He's such a fuddy duddy. 

In the last few weeks when we had more traffic in the house, we had some prolific messaging. 

Here's what I found during that time...
This was left by Melanie whose dreams came true when she got her very own mini Sonic ice machine. The Sonic people around town may think we have died. 
This is a classic family phrase that was coined by Carrie when chickens were stolen from our farm. It will go down in history as one of the greatest phrases ever to be uttered. 
This is a shot of all our letters we have accumulated since this all began. 
One very somber message. One identifying the messager? I think Romeo must have run out of E's. He was not HER. Obvi. 
Out of the midst of the large bank of letters, a name emerged.  
This was Emma's spontaneous cheer that we all felt was worthy of the frig. 
Believe it or not, this was an accident that ended up being political. We are not pro-Russia or the Soviet Union in any way. Did you read that NSA? We have not colluded.  
Lucas came to make cookies and spelled his name. He seems to enjoy an extra L.
Unfortunately these two messages together may seem insensitive to some. The Alamo was poppin, but not in a good way. No one meant any harm in this messaging.
If I finish this one, it won't be family friendly. Each and every person in our family knows the end to this. Talk amongst yourselves. 
An homage to James and his love for the movie Sing.
Abraham's words are forever ingrained in our nation and our frig. 
Well maybe not FORVER. Just until a wiseacre changed them.
That brings us to the latest edition of the frig messages. This is very current because of William's dancing to this song at basketball camp the other day.  

You're up!

Do not disappoint. 

This is an extra post and I've been a boss at blogging this week.

Whut up. 


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I tried to leave a comment and it came back as an error. I tried again with that test above and it worked! CHEERS! I AM LOVING THE EXTRA BLOGGING THIS WEEK!

Unknown said...

Love the fridge messages